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  1. is it surely online? :S
  2. are you serius? you realy like that? I find it crup... i want only coloured system.. i don't want extra sh1ts and display in the middle of screen BECAUSE I CAN'T EVEN TARGET!
  3. no dude is not the same... I want to see with an other colour the dmgs/useitems/feel effects.... but your links that I've seen them before are just a crup... like in 1 line... no dude i don't like it
  4. aw c'mon... why you need 100 posts to see the system colours? :/
  5. Paidia, mia voi8ia plzzzzz. (sorry for spam.. can't i delete this?)
  6. Paidia, mia voi8ia plzzzzz. bazw to 9999_NPCBuffer meca cton fakelo custom (\gameserver\data\jscript\custom) vazw to sql file meca cton fakelo sql, to pernaw meca ctin database. pernaw kai to arxeio Html meca cta htmls.. paw cto game, pataw //spawn 40006, kanei spawn tin buffer, tic milaw, pataw Buff Me. k wc ekei.. meta mu leei you either not carrying out ur quest k mlkiec.. mia voi8ia plz!! exw dokimacei polec buffers.. k pada to idio problima
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