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Everything posted by Miep

  1. You might be talking about the Newbie Pack Event , which L2Citadel held on the 5x. (It may comes up on the 15x in time as well) The GM Buffs Event takes place whenever a GM is available at the evening, in starter/newbie towns and lowlevel hunting zones.
  2. Which newbie event are you talking about? In case you're talking about http://l2citadel.com/forums/topic/3283-event-gm-buffs-starter-town/ , it's still active. :)
  3. And why not? :)
  4. That's maybe mainly a community problem cos many players may think they're too pro to party with randoms and rather go in a cp. And if you watch the shout chat in Giran you'll see there are people looking for XP parties! I can't imagine anyone enjoying it more to play with boxes than with played supporters.
  5. ..all the time! :troll:
  6. Best server 2015! Take a look ;)
  7. ->That's what a feedback looks like if someones got no patience and expects administration to hold ones hand 24/7. They fixed the ccq item exchange issue for the certain classes as soon as they came around and supported those who fell into it. Everythin else ur talkin about is just trash to talk bad about the server since ur mad nobodies holding ur hand. I wonder what bugs in town look like, did someone trench some holes up? or did one of those cross ur way in town? In case you saw one of those bugs, make sure to contact the staff asap so they can prevent a possible plague in time. Else I agree with the posters above, great start of a great server! :)
  8. Hell yeah, 12 hours left!
  9. If ones looking for a professional developed, stable and well protected server; with an administration team that knows what they do and how much players actually care for quick support, then this is the server you should check out! :-*
  10. If someone's lookin for the real L2 back in the days, that's the server to play on.
  11. No clue what ur talkin about but I guess you got no clue what the crap ur talkin about urself. Get rich by offering hats and class changes? indeed. veri rich! Not to mention Citadel isn't dead.
  12. Cant wait to watch the participants fall asleep on their keyboards. :rage: Goin to be fun! >:D
  13. Competent staff, no pay2win donations, decent population, fun events with nice rewards -whatelse do you want? Pretty much the best private L2 server I´ve seen out there in a while. Definitely recommended to play there.
  14. 3 days 3 hours 7 min * sec left till live lol
  15. thanks for not answering but deleting my questions anyway. I hope youre not calling yourself moderators.
  16. bump
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  21. Can't give you an exact amount, there're always just guesses from players.. 200-300 active players max. simultaneos at a time i'd say... EU time But it seems like there are more new players since we started bumping those "half year inactive" topics as there was no advertisement at all since around january 14, because there are more low chars at giran daily. If youre expecting a huge populated, brand new server you might be wrong here, its more like a family of faithful players who enjoy playin this chronicle on a lag-free, stable server with a pretty nice and helpful community. (looks like the usual advertisement, but it aint just that - it's simply the truth) And since Evoke is going to open a Gracia Final server pretty soon there will probably be even less players on our beloved IL server. But no matter what, the IL server will still have it's players who stay till the "end"... Not to forget all the other IL server who're going to show up in time including mxc's IL server. The huge difference between Evoke and all those upcoming IL servers is simply we've already gotten this stable community, Evoke's IL server has already proven it could stay for long. ...whenever this "end" is going to show up. lol Only players could kill the server i guess, not expecting from the administration to take it down - they've never made any profit on the donations because there are only hair accessories and CCQ-items being offered. ..and since it's been like this for quite a while now i'd say it's stable :)
  22. bump!
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