I'm looking for a l2j developer (interlude or gracia ep), i have a dedicated host in germany paid for 3 months, domain,webhosting. I want to start a somehow professional project. The server won't be for money, i have money, you will get paid through donations. PM with your msn so we can speak. If i posted on wrong thread, sorry, please move it.
This script, in my opinion it's the best thing for a website, i just got it and works like a dream. I'm completely satisfied with it. Thank you embass.
Server Rates* Exp = 20x
* SP = 20x
* Party Xp = 2x
* Party Sp = 2x
* Rate Adena = 30x
* Drop Items = 10x
* Rate Spoil = 25x
* Rate Manor = 5x
* Rate Fish = 9x
* RateQuestDrop = 5x
* Quest Reward = 5x
* Safe Enchant: +3
* Max Enchant: +16
* Full Gracia Epilogue features
* GM shop until B grade.
* Olympiad System Every 2 Weeks
* WeightLimit : 3x
* AutoLoot
* Hellbound Retail Leveling System
* Mana = 2000/potion they cannot been use on combat!
* AutoLearnSkills(81* 85)
* ClassChanger Automatic
* Subclass without Quest
* Nobless with retail Quest
* Vitality system retail like
* MaxLevelOnSubclass:83
* Fame System
* Shift on monster for drop: Enabled
* Password change command(.changepassword)
* Repair your character location from crit error by(.repair)
* All Buffs 2hours.
* Daily Auto Events and Manual events.
* Clan Halls:
* FortressOfDead
* DevastedCastle
* Instances* Dungeons
* Solo Kamaloka
* Pailaka
* RimPailaka
* Kamaloka
* SeedOfDestruction
* SeedOfInfinity
* BaseTower
* InfinitumTower
* CrystalCavern
* Hellbound Town
* Fortres Dungeon.
* Castles Dungeon.
Short Info
First of all i want say that we don't use a L2J datapack.
"This pack started as a fork on L2j sources because L2j had slow development and a branch of administrators and developers that parted the project in first place was bored to maintain long patches with fixes and retail features which L2J didnt want or was too slow to commit on its SVN. So we started our own SVN and after that carefully sync with L2j sources (or other l2j forks) This project is closed-source and we do not share builds but from time to time we share parts of our code with L2j. Team is pretty big and development is very fast and right now we are at least 8 months ahead of L2j or any of its forks."
This are the comments of source owner.
We provide your Gameplay you provide the players!
Dedicated host.