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Everything posted by Rickert

  1. Good to hear about new L2Ex server, if u want stable server, with online 2k+ u should join at 1th of april!
  2. No no postarałeś się. :D Wrzuć jeszcze na polaczkowe forum. :P
  3. Its rly good server.. but this ddos attack its boring...
  4. true. Humm server need some changes and will be rly good.
  5. Hello everyone. Would anyone be able to change my sign? Oryginal: What i need? Inscription Rickert here:
  6. Right, but if u like play with 50 online... ;)
  7. WTF are u doing? Gracialude? Loled - No attribute(humm ok.. 2k dmg on BP ftw!) Max S grade... ;o No epic jwls? Haha ok, go 50 online. Dual box not allowed? Next fail, Did u remember when astral world punished dualbox? -50% players...
  8. Another polish lolhr - Fail.
  9. http://www.l2edgeforum.xaa.pl/viewtopic.php?t=17
  10. Only survival! And i thinks online will be 1k+ not 600-700. :)
  11. Balanced not star war server bro?
  12. Humm, better now. I will give chance for this server, cya at start "scarface.
  13. Yup, but this is only 1 problems... with community -.- Fucking high rate br kids ;x
  14. If it will be deleted, i will give chance for this server with some friends.
  15. High rate with buffs 2h + etc. Or High rate like old AstralWorld? I play here with const on start.
  16. lol server... Epic jwls in gm shop :O
  17. This will be not Farm server. :D http://www.l2aw.boo.pl/forum/index.php?topic=121.msg811;boardseen#new
  18. Server will be nice, on start will be 200/300 online, so dont w8 and join today ! 20:00 GTM +1
  19. I will try, if u will change max enchant.. +25 its sux.
  20. What a.... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=139292.0
  21. Lol, nevah... The best enchant its max +12-15
  22. What gear u have?
  23. Its this new server, arion?
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