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About fakebeauty

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  1. e kai tote ti 8es na ftia3eis server? na les stous filous s oti eisai admin? :-\
  2. Hello, how i could fix the fist fury bug? The bug is going like this: 1) Wear the fists 2) Enable the Fist fury skill 3) Put another weapon and you have still the fist fury's effect [move]thanks in advance[/move]
  3. Hello, is there any simple tutorial guide for websites? I want to add at my website a downloaded l2 theme , i do know nothing (but i learn fast) about websites! :/ help me please! [move]Thanks in advance[/move]
  4. emena re file ti na s pw mou gamiete o dias... pali m vgazei to gnwsto you are either not carrying the ....
  5. good start but other projects have the same protection, i hope you make something different. Nice job!
  6. Hello, I know nothing about websites etc. so I have to request you for a simple L2 website, basically im requesting a webdesigner to make me this website :D. [move]Thanks you in Advance[/move]
  7. Thanks a lot dude!
  8. How could I change a monster's name? I cant find any file at client side that changes it or at SQL. [move][shadow=red,left]Thanks in Advance[/shadow][/move]
  9. nah im not gonna this lol (sry but this is the craziest way :)) , btw another one problem appears, i cant wear armors and weapons, holly shit! i will try to compile a new pack! Thanks a lot for your time!
  10. thats the error
  11. that im thinking too, im going to re-install sql the spawnlist table isnt empty, im going to check the configs and if this no works i will re-install the sql thank both of you
  12. propably you didnt understand me. Im not talking for the custom npcs! Server hasnt any npcs or mobs, totally nothing!
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