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Everything posted by xHaRdCoRe

  1. na upo8esw oti san interlude server phx/walker 8a leitourgoun?
  2. poios server exei toso kosmo?
  3. Hello guys...i would like someone to creat me a script or something like this which does the following... 1)Target ghost of gatekeeper 2)Surrender to water 3)Hydro Blast 4)Hydro Blast 5)Hydro Blast and if possible mana potion restore 2 times
  4. MHN POTE MHN MPEIS Pistepse me...katarxhn o server htan c4 tote htan gamatos...meta o admin de 3anamphke kai oi mises poleis einai broken...tros dc ama mpeis se shops kai tetoia genika gia to ti gtp server einai des to forum tou
  5. lol...why you will be the leader bloody hero and not me? not omgg? not revenger?
  6. lol ekane parousiash sthn ellada kai den fonaxane to no.1 cheating forum?:@
  7. ta 3 atoma emeis eimaste reeeee
  8. Users Logged In Today Total: 1 Ayto ta leei ola file...
  9. 23 10 50 50 50 Thlefwnhste tora to apoluto ellhniko best seller
  10. de pas naxeis kai 9999999.999999 RC 15 re file? an eisai monos sou ti na to kaneis?
  11. file apla egrapses....
  12. o ka8enas me ths sthseis tou....
  13. emena to poustiko opote vlepei asprh kaltsa trelainetai... se 1,5 mhna to stelnw gia steirwsh kai gw
  14. den mporw na symfwnhsw perissotero
  15. exeis gato?:O egw 2 mikra.... 1 kanoniko kai 1 bastardo to vrhka ston dromo kai to <<psirisa>>
  16. 20???den eimai sigouros kan an yparxoun toses....
  17. e logiko...emeis oi vlakes vgazoume diarkeias gia pana8hnaiko kai olympiako kai esy vgazeis gia psyxologo,nevrologo....
  18. afou den 3ereis ti milas??? Aman etsi me exeis kanei... (Plaka plaka ton kanw xazi auton ton typo)
  19. ypo alles syn8ikes tora 8a sou zhtaga dieuthinsi gia face to face...alla katanow to provlhma sou kai aplws 8a sou pw...nai esy eisai o koryfaios..o gamias...o ypertatos...o titanoterastios...Koita pou ftasame akoma kai o megas alefantos na mhn mporei na me kalupsei se auto pou 8elw na pw BLASFIME KOITA POU EFTASES TO FORUM...NA MHN EXEI VGALEI O ALEFANTOS XARAKTHRISMO GIA SENA
  20. na kaneis parea me auton poy paizei l2 7 xronia...
  21. Exploit section rules (apo to site tou paidiou me 5k kosmo) Toyrer * Admin Of DeskatHackers.kilu.de * Administrator * ***** * Karma: 0 * Posts: 19 * o WWW o Email Kanones Diabasteto! « on: August 26, 2009, 04:03:53 PM » Edw einai Exploits Section: Edw postarete mono sta Ellinika! Parakalw: Mhn kanete spam...Den einai kalo gia to Forum...! Boreite na kanete kai HIDE Post ean nwmizete oti einai kalo... Ka8e kalo Post exei san antamibh +1 Karma...! To karma boh8aei san pontous sxetika me ta hide...! ~Kalh sas Diasxedash kai kalo sas HACKING~
  22. http://www.deskathackers.kilu.de/index.php?topic=9.0 eleos re pousti mou ti rules einai auta? les kai milaei mama se 6 xrono agoraki
  23. apoti katalava o server einai toso kalos pou ta members sou den exoun xrono gia to forum alliws pos na exhghsw ta 3 mono members? (shmadiako noumero)
  24. egw exw ena oplo pou to exw onomasei Blastoice kai exei active to Hydro Blast
  25. akou...otan katevazeis kati patch gia servers pou exoun custom l2.exe oxi auto me to l2...ena pou deixnei ena kefali mias kastanhs..auto to system psaxnw auto pou mou edwses omws exei kati loaders kati tetoia ti akrivws na kanw?
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