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Posts posted by toastgodsupreme

  1. just a few corrections, l2j is not legal, people think it is cause its a another programing language which was not made by NCsoft, but who made the textures their server uses? and where the whole l2 idea come from? Ncsoft:P so basicly due to copyright it is ilegal to run an l2j server as much as an l2off. Both C1 and C4 were stolen at different times.


    Textures are client side, not server side. Try again.

  2. off topic: 1st warning for dekarma if you want to flame someone use pm's //end


    So wait... you have a bunch of spammers thanking this guy for a share of... nothing... and I get a warning for calling them AND him out?


    This isn't a share. This is someone who copied two files from the current l2j datapack and decided to make it his share. And it doesn't even do what he claims.

  3. Meh, another server with another free domain. And if the site is any indication of what your server is going to be like... >_>


    There are already enough retail-like servers around without any special changes including L2Full's 3x server (which I've seen their private development community and gotta say, they are way ahead of pretty much every other l2j project).

  4. Server is really good but it need more ppl online only few palying here and its a pitty because it is very well worked server...

    Easy lvl up but also hard after 7+

    Join and see!


    Growing! JOIN


    Thanks for the nice words. :) And yeah, a lot of people tend to have issues leveing past 70 but typically because they don't go to the new zones. No one bothers to go to places like MoS or primeval to level, everyone just stays at pagan's leveling on green and blue mobs, lol.


    I've seen warlords on the server rip primeval apart easily. So it's not impossible. I've seen a soul hound in the anomic foundry leveling people, spell howlers do pretty well at primeval too. :) People just need to change leveling spots is all. Heh.

  5. L2J servers are not as good in performance (and in general) as L2Retail, L2Off servers but they are easy to set up and they get updated more frequently.


    Hardware has come far enough now that even on low end DEDICATED servers, L2J runs just fine. The problems start when the admin is a retard and doesn't opt for 8gb+ ram.


    L2J is slow, it starts lagging even on powerfull server machines when there are couple hundred players online.


    Bullshit. Want to know why a lot of servers start lagging with about 100 people on? Because of retards who decided that their shitty DSL connection and their personal computer were enough to host a server. So because of them, because there are SOOOOOOO many of these asshats running about, creating L2J servers on shitty packs, it ruins the entire community because then everyone goes "Oh! L2J! Yeah I was on an L2J server once and it SUCKED! So all L2J servers probably suck!!!"


    Let's look at what the majority of shitty L2J servers (and there are a lot) have in common...

    They don't configure SQL properly.

    They don't optimize SQL to run on their specific hardware.

    They use bad table types (typically myisam).

    They have shitty hard drives in their "servers" (I use that term lightly).

    They think they can host a server AND play from the same machine.

    They think 2-4Gb of ram is enough (lol! maybe if you don't want geodata and to have mysql completely memory resident, have fun with that... lol).

    They don't have a UPS installed.

    They think their shitty, 3rd world DSL connection can support more than 10 players at once.

    They're from... well... guess. lol

  6. Please get a real site first. That means domain and a half decent host (even if it's a free one, just not ucoz).


    Not being mean here, but if you're srs bsns about running a server, you have to understand that your domain and your site reflect directly on the quality of your server. At least in the minds of the community. Be it players, or other server owners.

  7. No one form then rulz beause on all server cancel and hero spear are nerfed and on l2j hero spear dont work.


    Works on http://lineageuniverse.com/ and it's L2J based. Don't talk out of your ass. ;) I even fixed it on the main boards and later it was committed:



    Any L2J based server that doesn't have it working either didn't update properly, is using a fork that didn't sync that change, or disabled it intentionally.

  8. CPU:

        Dual Core 2.5 s775 processor


        3 GB DDR II 677


        1 GB video DDR II Geforce 9400GT


        160 Gigabytes

    *I plan to update ram when i get Windows Vista x64 bits


    Know what this says to me? "I run this server off the same computer that I play on. What's a dedicated server?"

  9. So I'm bored, can't sleep, I figure I might as well officially advertise the server I'm now working with here.






    Listen, every day kids come through these forums, talk about how awesome their server is, etc, etc. And it's always bullshit. Personally I would never associate myself with a server I had doubts about. Myself, the other devs, and the admin take pride in our server. We've all put in tons of hours researching, fixing what we could, and basically setting it up to make it as fun as possible.


    I'm not going to sit here and tell you all the regular stuff that we have that every other server out there has because I personally hate it when I see someone go "OH LOOK MENS! WE HAZ FULLY WORKING VESPER ARMORS AND WEAPONS!!!" No shit, I was the one who did those Vesper SAs and every server has them now since it was committed on the core project. ::)


    But here are a few reasons why this server is better than the rest...

    • No stupid donations that ruin the server. No armor, no weapons, no enchants, no adena, etc.
    • Full NPC buffs offered to lower level players.
    • Our dev team isn't full of retards (HUGE selling point considering that 99% of the servers out there are run by retards and little kids).
    • Hellbound completely open and set up with retail spawns (all quest requirements to enter have been removed, less grind that way). ALL NPCS HAVE RETAIL DROPS, STATS, AND SKILLS. None of that fruity guessed shit based on L2WH data or anything.
    • We have almost all skills working as they should be. The only skills that have been changed differently from retail are Steal Divinity (it was overpowered, even on retail), and the hero/noble skills (they all now have static hit times and reuse timers, fair for all classes now).
    • NO CORRUPTION. I guarantee it. I'm the head developer on this project and I only have limited powers at best. No GM on staff can create items, enchant items, kill mobs, heal players, or even trade/drop items. None of us have access to the gm shop. We are testers and rule enforcers only on the live server. We don't have the power to be corrupt. ;D



    • 15x
    • Weekly Castle Sieges instead of bi-weekly.
    • Automatic class changes (you do realize that it was myself and poltomb who made that little modification public, right?).
    • Raidboss respawns are 1/2 their normal times.
    • We have improved Geodata (using Stazis as a base then the current geodata {and a few custom geodata} for areas that have been updated).
    • Random retail events. Whenever one of us gets bored we rotate through events based on retail.


    Just as a little teaser, an update on the Tiat raid (getting close to completion, then we can start working backwards and scripting the rest of the Seed of Destruction)...



    We're the best because myself and the other devs put a LOT of time into this. If you're tired of playing on shitty servers with retarded devs and corrupt gms, then maybe it's time you played at http://lineageuniverse.com/. We're so confident in our work that we regularly submit SOME of it to the core project to be committed. So unlike most other servers, we give back to the community by helping the L2J project.

  10. Yea the new skills balance the game right?


    I'm going to say here what I've said a number of times on the L2J forums...




    Yet, most servers love to hand out Dynasty, Icarus, and Vesper like it's just falling from the sky and give people every forgotten scroll skill as well.



    BUT, despite that, the skills themselves are actually pretty balanced. The problem is that just about every server out there doesn't have proper reuse timers, powers, etc for them yet. So FOR THOSE SERVERS, they suck ass because they're still overpowered. Otherwise, Gracia Final brings a proper balance to the game that the other Gracia chronicles messed up.


    Right now, there is only 1 skill I know of that is extremely overpowered, and that's steal divinity. But for any competent developer, it's easily taken care of (we have ours on a 60 second reuse, can only steal up to 3 buffs at max, and can't steal self buffs, and it steals random buffs so you never can be sure which you'll get).

  11.    * Working Transformation system

       * Working retail clan system

       * 24 Buffs + 12 Dances/Songs

       * Debuff bar working


    Boring, these are features that even the core l2j project has. Don't tell me your car has wheels when you try to sell it to me. I just expect it to.


       * Fair donations


    There's nothing fair about donations if you include even one enchant, armor, or weapon in it.


       * 4 Custom tattoos ( Fully Balanced )

         * Tattoo of Magician

         * Tattoo of Warrior

         * Tattoo of Knight

         * Tattoo of Hero


    Never seen a server that uses "tats" that was balanced. Just FYI.


       * Rate : XP : 1000x - Adena : 2000x


    Your Adena rate is stupid. Yes, I know we can have more than 2.1 billion now, but that doesn't mean you can just go and fuck up the economy. Make everything 10x cheaper and reduce the adena rate by 10x. Voila, you'll still have a fucked up economy since it's at 200x, but at least it'll be more stable than at 2000x.


       * S84 items ( in development )


    I don't see why they're still in development. The core project recently committed my weapon sa rework which included all S84 weapons and the S84 armor bonuses are already done. The only thing not done yet is masterwork bonuses.




       * Drop : 100% : 5 Random Icarus weapon without SA

       * Drop :  100% : 3-7 Top grade LS 76

       * Drop :  100% : 3-7 Books of Giants

       * Drop :  100% : 1-4 Gold Bars

       * Drop :  100% : Ancien adena (5kk-10kk)





       * Drop : 100% : 5 Random Icarus weapon without SA

       * Drop :  100% : 3-7 Top grade LS 76

       * Drop :  100% : 3-7 Books of Giants

       * Drop :  100% : 1-4 Gold Bars

       * Drop :  100% : Ancien adena (5kk-10kk)


    Lol, I am so going to join JUST to see your implementation of Tiat and Ekimus. Considering this server is based on the maxcheaters network, I expect these to be better than mine. ;)

  12. The main reason is the wrong feedback that has been given all this years (5years l2 and still a big amount of bugs) , wrong people working on developing without the basic knownledge so they make shitty packs  and that developers focus on different chronicle and a few of them have custom ideas.


    Well, the problem is how the devs of the main project handle things. They're too slow to adopt new ideas, new methods, etc. So people got frustrated and made forks. This slows down overall progress since now talent gets divided instead of focused into one singular project.


    On top of that, you have a number of devs on the core project who no longer contribute at all. nBd, Aikimaniac, Kadar, julian, phoenixbird (lol, what does he do? runs the forums... haha, cause that's so hard), Sandro, and even GodKratos and kerberos have been MIA lately. Aiki has at least 2 people on the dp staff brought over directly from his server, and all three of them barely do anything at all (and really, I mean barely).


    What's funny is if you confront them about it, they'll give you two different answers depending on when you ask. If you ask in the winter, they'll tell you that summer is when more devs will make progress and whatnot. If you ask in summer, they'll tell you that everyone is on vacation so progress will start after summer is over.


    That's why the L2J project is so far behind. That and they sit on any contribution for ages before committing it. Even if it is a valid contribution.

  13. You know, I never thought I'd see such fanboy'ism for a certain Chronicle of a game. I mean, sure everyone gets nostalgic from time to time, but godamn, some of you cling to your Interlude servers like they give you handjobs every time you level up or something.


    Seriously, most of the people who claim to hate Gracia Final and love Interlude are the same people who refuse to adapt play styles to new classes and skills because it took them 5 years to figure out how to play properly with Interlude classes and skills.

  14. I like C4, because no clan skills, NO augments, pretty much what Grisom said...

    Augments and clan skills ruin the balance, especially in high rates which makes the healer overpowered... Healer+offensive augment skill = OP

    C4 was the good times :)


    Static reuse times on offense aug spells as per retail = uber nerfed. :)


    The only augments worth getting now are the passives. Either the + magic crit, + crit, or one of the neat passives like stun/para/flint/doom on hit/magic.

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