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Everything posted by D3athLeGenD™

  1. relax min nomizeis oti se parakalame kiolas bre skoupidi , polu tharos exeis parei.
  2. the mixalis is my old member dude :) and as i said on pm i hope you realy join on this server again and get pwned by our old clans like old days...
  3. Topic UPDATED : 14.7.2013 How will be the enchantment system |||| Normal Scrolls system * So when u will go to enchant one item the chance rating on Normals scrolls starts : ( Safe first is +8 after enchant is +9 now the rating system will start to counting -5% at every plus.) For example : +8-100% , +9-95% , +10-90%. Notice that : When the weapon or armor break, the enchantment item will disappear. |||| Blessed Scrolls system * So with Blessed Scrolls you have more 10% on Enchant from the Normal Scrolls Chance rate , what i mean : For Example : +8-110% , +9-105% , +10-100% , +11-95% , +12-90%. Notice that : When the weapon or armor break, the enchantment item will return to +8. |||| Crystals Scrolls system * So with Crystals Scrolls you have -10% on Enchant from the Normal Scrolls Chance rate , what i mean : For Example : +8-90% , +9-85% , +10-80% , +11-75% , +12-70%. Notice that : When the weapon or armor break, the enchantment item will be -1 , like if u have one item +15 and you want to enchant this with crystal scrolls and breake the item will go +14. * This is our Enchant panel in game , when u enchant one item u have to deciding if u continue with enchant or not , for more informations in game.
  4. http://enrya-world.pro/forum/index.php?board=10.0 feel free to look :D
  5. TOPIC UPDATED : 13.7.2013 Added to features list: Heroic a-u-r-a Item: dropped at Party Zone, gives you Heroic a-u-r-a + Heroic Valor for 12 hours. Clan Reputation Item: dropped at Party Zone, used by clan leader, gives 800 reputation points to clan. Events are protected by anti-afk system, making sure nobody stays afk. Players in combat can't use gatekeepers, to avoid players fleeing from pvp. Hero skills are maintained to every subclass. Anti-feed system with many protections and players don't take PvP point from the same player more than once. Top PvP/PK players are being automatically announced on their enter.
  6. legend if u are interested again for some ddos please lemme check :D
  7. Site is up. Lets see from tommorow how u will attack again :D
  8. hahaha i dont give you more attetion lets get serius now, ok you hit over 50gb nice to look that lets decreasse a little your action now.
  9. since you are stupid and you think i am down from you i am inform you my friend cloudflare have problem and check it :D C:\Users\D3athLeGenD>ping www.enrya-world.pro Pinging www.enrya-world.pro [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=93ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=92ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=92ms TTL=54 Reply from bytes=32 time=92ms TTL=54 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 92ms, Maximum = 93ms, Average = 92ms C:\Users\D3athLeGenD> The server at www.cloudflare.com can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network. RETARD!
  10. he can hit whateva he like the little noob he cant event touch me baby...
  11. check out. Reply from bytes=32 time=61ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time=61ms TTL=55 waiting to freez biatch :D
  12. Are you serius now? are you going to fall at one big area dude.... lets see who's leading the game. PS : 150 over gb is on my way.... GL
  13. ye ye u find it! dafuq brain u have dude... go for some IQ tests competitions! You will win for sure 100% Btw i need money for buy u some lollipops.
  14. i hear from some people you try to be funny on some topics of servers.... so i inform you , you close enough to lick my balls. ITS YUMMY RIGHT?
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