We try to open in but the PvP server have Lag...
The administrator open the GvE in New machine
( 8gb ram
procesor 4x2.33 intel
HDD 1000 gb raid...
video 1gb )
I don't know how much he need ..I thing 2~4 days is ok ...
I post for More informations
I have donate for This Server with Real money...
The clan lvl8 it's was one from my Rewards ...
Admin or Gm Never help and i never ask him to help me ..
The server is Fine .. they dont do more wipes.. before 08/08 the server was testing..
Am i say i was Game Master ??i dont thing so..
(**Staff Team**
Admin: Administrator
Developer: Developer
Gm: EventGM
************ )
I was friend with Administrator so i help him everywhere he need..
Before i post something new In forum he say me what i post...
I am like FM (Forum Master) if i can say it XD
1st .. For the Pet: The Pets don't do Teleport so you can't have pet in olympiad Games..
2nd The cancel's Have Removed From Serve Vote... All time Necro Stay in spawn and do cancel in War clan's For this they Removed for Better Pvp
1st many of this kids farm for much time and try to enchant the weapons and armors..
2nd The server sucks because someone tell you noob?? I dont thing so.
3th Don't look info from "Info tablem" we must change it .. safe is +7 and max +20 as i say in the First post
The server was testing...Now server Dont do more wipes... It's fine
Players who found to use dualbox or thy to cheat/hack they will be Banned for ever
Tattoos working because all server want it..
And when we say for Custom items we mean for Over Power item's and Over Power weapon - armor
You kill characters from other faction and you take 1 adena for 1 kill...