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Everything posted by DownUnder

  1. WE ARE 99% READY! ARE U RDY? www.L2DruG.com

  2. There are players who likes custom server and those that not like it. We just finished with some problems with armor / weapon stats. We fix the Custom Nobless RB and now drops Nobless Coins. Finally we are still fix the balance classes. You can still test our server & report us some bugs or issues. www.L2DruG.com www.L2DruG.com/forum
  3. We have to finish with the Balance classes. Then we will add some advertisment banners on Gaming Forums - Toplists e.t.c. In the end we will'be ready to Open officialy. Thanks for your great comments.
  4. Very good work from most of those. I'm just voting for UnSponsored
  5. we are trying to create a code that every X hour a "Window" will'be open to the characters and they will vote about the Next Farm Zone & PvP zone. Also about the party zones , we already have but we just waiting for the grand opening and the players that we will have!
  6. Can you explane me what did you mean? About the armor & weapon set is a point of view for anyone. Also about the Anti-bot protection as i already told you we will buy the anti-bot solutions from Asmodeus. P.S : Thanks for your help !
  7. We dont have so activity cause of beta, we are staying like that for more 8 days and after we start BIG advertise and Grand opening will be about 15 March.
  8. We are not trying to copy anyone, L2Perseus is a server with HF buffs on Interlude..On our last server we have the custom tutorial video..We are do this job since 2009. We dont need to copy anyone. Thanks for all your reports and you will see our update list soon.. P.S We dont fix pvp armor yet for that they doesnt have description. I do not copy anyone, lets see if it will works.
  9. BETA MODE : ONLINE www.L2Drug.com Go Go Go!

    1. Sido


      Add it to our top and you can win 30 Euros every month ;) ! http://lineage100.top

  11. yes , i will fix it! Thanks for your report :P 6 minutes for the BETA OPENING!
  12. Are you ready , we have opening today! 18:00 GMT+2 LINEAGE II DRUG BETA OPENING! ALL ITEMS FREE ONLY PVP BETA PERIOD 10 DAYS FOR BALANCE. SERVER SITE: http://www.l2drug.com SERVER FORUM: http://www.l2drug.com/forum LIKE OUR FB PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/l2drug
  13. #1 Web Radio in Greece. www.Elixir-Radio.com www.e-radio.gr/Elixir-Radio-Internet-Radio-i2071/live www.live24.gr/radio/generic.jsp?sid=1782 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/elixir.radio/
  14. www.L2Drug.com | Beta Grand Opening - 28.02.2016 | 18:00 GMT +2.

  15. This Sunday the beta grand opening. Our server will'be stay on beta mode just for 10 Days and we do that just to check the balance of our classes. I hope to see you inside & report any problem. Thanks.
  16. www.L2Drug.com | Beta Grand Opening - 28.02.2016 | 18:00 GMT +2.

  17. Google.com Best way //
  18. [GR] Ο τσάμπας ζει. I'm just kinding. Welcome
  19. The full costs 120€ (lifetime) We already have to pay - Website / Webhost / Dedicated Machine. In Greece of crisis.it's not "very cheap" W/E , we have almost a half of month to add those protections! ;) ** P.S : This Friday the BETA opening. Official Announce soon. **
  20. what did you mean?
  21. For the time i just trying to gather all the money for the anti-bot system. But anyway the server till 5 of March will'be run on BETA mode.
  22. Lineage II Drug server machine is ready. Tomorrow i will announce the OFFICIAL beta opening! **THE BETA MODE WILL BE OPEN JUST FOR 10 DAYS , THEN WE WILL WIPE THE SERVER AND BOOM | GRAND OPENING |
  23. We are players since L2Victoria (c2) and we are a RPG players. We dont need to create a server just for money. This is not our plan.We just wanna create a real Interlude Mid rate PVP server. Yes , maybe the players of IL Client want to bot but we rly don't care about it. We Just Order Our Server Machine. Official BETA opening - THIS WEEK. Stay Tuned Update List Skills : Archers Rapid Shot added as passive skill. Duelist Spirit added as passisve skill. Snipe Toggle. Color System : Enchant color system fixed. PvP & Pk Color System Fixed. Npc's : New NPC Skill Enchanter for all classes added & redesigned. New NPC Top Ranking added & redesigned.
  24. There are to many guides on network. Just use google search.
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