RateXp = 45.
RateSp = 45.
RatePartyXp = 2.
RatePartySp = 2.
RateDropAdena = 250.
RateConsumableCost = 1.
RateDropItems = 10.
RateDropSpoil = 10.
RateDropManor = 10
Normal Scrolls - 63%
OlyStartTime = 20
OlyEndTime -- 00 (1 week)
Champion mobs
Wedding System
Banking System - commands .deposit/.withdraw
Custom Voice Commands - .online/res command
Allow Players Refusal - .pmoff or .pmon
Max Slots buff - 24
Name's Color Via PvP`s - 500/1000/1500/2000/2500 ( when a character's PvP counter reaches 500, their name color will change according to the ColorForAmount value.)
Title's Color Via Pk's - 500/1000/1500/2000/2500 ( when a character's PK counter reaches 500, their title color will change according to the Title For Amount)
Away System - commands - .away/.back