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Everything posted by JoyDivision

  1. Hello, I'm Selling a Feoh Soultaker 105 lvl/ 103 dual class Feoh / 2 subs 80 On Chronos Exalted LvL 4 Needs a little work for 5 Full lvl 6 Factions (lvl8 af) Skills +10 on Feoh With tonz of xp runes 100% and vitality pots. Dyes +15 Int +15 attribute resistance on both main and dual. Many Freya Scrolls+ Roses (500+) Items: Dark Caster 3 sa +12 15% mcrit damage augment Set Dark Eternal Robe +10 Full elements Blessed Immortal Sigil +10 Longing Talisman Venrir 12 Abundance lvl1 High Grade Aden Cloak +10 5% M Crt dmg augment Shiny Shirt +6 Circlet of Foresight +5 30 Day Rare Accessory Pack x1 Advanced Arias Bracelet +4 INT Brooch 5 Slots :Sapphire lvl4, Opal lvl3, Emerald lvl3 , Blue cats eye lvl3 , Diamond lv3, Obsidian lv3 Seven Signs Talisman. Pm with offers!
  2. I can offer 20 euro paysafecard for some of the items. Are you interested? Send me a Message please
  3. Hello, i want to exchange 2 x 10 euro Paysafecards=20 euro for items or materials in Lineage2Ertheia! Leave your message here
  4. Καλησπερα παιδια, προσπαθω να βρω το L2 File Edit και το Link δεν δουλευει μηπως υπαρχει καποιο αλλο? Επισης το noip εχει αλλαξει καπως και δεν υπαρχει αυτη η επιλογη!
  5. Hello, i'd like to sell my character on L2Hayze Gracia Final (L2Pride Style) Its Archer main 92 60%, 7 subs 92 lvl , 1 sub 93(healer) for certifications Dread Light Set +8 lvl7 attribute Dread Bow +11 lvl7 with 3.02 accuracy 5patk 8 critical augment Relics +14-15 (1,22 accuracy augment-51hp ) Piercing Circlet,Straw Hat,Hyper Flinger,Longshotter Belt+20 with 20critical 3,02 accuracy Superman Cape 2 Mount Bracelets(Horse-Lion) 12 glits on player +25 Dynasty dual daggers with 23patk augment 4k+ PvPs Pm me with offers or write here. i prefer money, not change for another server.
  6. An ta poulas steile mou ena minima me thn timh.
  7. I Want to know how much you want for your account. Send me a message when you see this message
  8. ANTE NA DOYME re paidia... :p Aenaon.. me 8umasai? :P Danger0usss pou hmoun Hero Tyrant ston DeathWhisper
  9. Paidia kanena neo gia to an 9a anoi3ei o server? :D
  10. Hello, i am selling my account on chronos Lineage 2 Official Server Feoh Wizard 87 lvl Full Twilight Robe +3 60 elements x3 on all Parts, Apocalypse Caster +3 300 Wind Attribute, Twilight Jewels +3 Set , Immortal Bracelet Player Comes with Full Potions +100k BSSR + Noblesse Also Selling 86 lvl Iss Enchanter Full Immortal light set and jewels and Requiem Duals 150 Fire Pm me or write here for offers!
  11. i contacted the company! and they said they will use a firewall.So if its L2Jkiller/attacker what else i do? also some noobs login and get access on server LOL! how i fix that?
  12. Guys I Need Help ! My Server Gets Attacked From DDos.The Server has some Defence for it.It Goes Down and restarts when it is attacked..it is like auto RR each time this is done..How can i fix it so server will kill the attackers?:D please help asap Server Is Interlude!
  13. Guys I Need Help ! My Server Gets Attacked From DDos.The Server has some Defence for it.It Goes Down and restarts when it is attacked..it is like auto RR each time this is done..How can i fix it so server will kill the attackers?:D please help asap Its Interlude Client...L2J Paidia o server mou trwei attack apo hackers me DDo kai kanei ka8e 5 lepta down k restart pws mporw na to ftia3w?Help asap..einai Interlude L2J
  14. i cant find the build folder..it doesnt seem to exist. i use the L2J Archid SVN..from the list you gave.
  15. Paidia exw diavasei ta perissotera post pou lene pws ftiaxnw to glow kai to allazw me to L2 FileEdit.Katafera na alla3w to glow sto weapon mou ...apla exw augment TOP me poly kalo active skill kai m th spaei na vlepw kati mlkes floges na petagonte :DD pws mporw na dior8oso na vlepw xrwma anti gia tis floges?gt psaxnw mesa sto ENV kai dn to vriskw..Euxaristw Poly Perimenw Apanthseis !! Guys i have read the most posts that i've seen to modify the glows of weapons Using L2 File Edit.I've accomplished to change the glow of my weapon but i have augment with Top Life stone with good active skill and i dont wanna see the flames coming out of my weapon.How can i modify so that i cant see the flames of the augment and see some colour?i am trying to fix it through the ENV File but i cant find any options for augmentations.Please Help.. Thanks For Your Time :>
  16. Paidia exw diavasei ta perissotera post pou lene pws ftiaxnw to glow kai to allazw me to L2 FileEdit.Katafera na alla3w to glow sto weapon mou ...apla exw augment TOP me poly kalo active skill kai m th spaei na vlepw kati mlkes floges na petagonte :DD pws mporw na dior8oso na vlepw xrwma anti gia tis floges?gt psaxnw mesa sto ENV kai dn to vriskw..Euxaristw Poly Perimenw Apanthseis !!
  17. File egw exw to e3is problhma..exei augment to weapon mou kai dn 8elw na to vlepw apla me kokini floga...anoigw to l2 File Edit nai men allazw xrwmata ...alla dn mporw na vrw pou mporw na valw gia na mhn vlepw to augment...kai na vlepw ena xrwma.. mporei kapoioc na help ? :DD ty
  18. i can give u 100 euros for 200 Coins Add Me On Msn li_Za_rd7@hotmail.com
  19. li_za_rd7@hotmail.com add me..!
  20. tell me price for all items i can pay via Paysafe or if u are greek hand to hand :D
  21. well its 3 months now and we wiped it twice.to find out about the balance between custom items and characters.Only thing that is bad is that it is not hosted and has lots of lag...
  22. Server Rollz! We All Wait For You There!
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