Rates XP:1000x SP:1000x ADENA:1000x
Enchant Safe:10 Max:30 Rate:70 Bless:100
Elemental Rates Stone:100 Crystal:90 Jewel:80
Mobs drop stupid items
- All NPCs are in Giran, Godard and Aden. All the others have only Global GK, GM-Shop and NPC Buffer
- Clan reputation manager and Fame manager only in Giran
- Lveling zones (80-85 zone is for newbie farm)
- 3 Farm zones (Cripts of disagree [newbie], Delusion Chambers [party], Obelisk of Victory [pvp])
- Certification zone (Here you make subclasses [instanlt level 80 on subclass, you can level it up to 85 and 100%, 5 subclasses max] take the certification quest and finish it in less that 5 minutes and after you talk to Avant Guarde and take your skills!)
- Augmenter have 80% chance to modify your base stats
- Buffer 48 buffs and 24 song/dances with 2 hours time
- GM-Shop with all items
- Global GK with all zone + level up and farming zones
- Auto-Enchanter – directly enchant your item to +30. You can enchant here all your items, even youe cloack
- Top Pk/PvP NPC
Events Round TvT, Elpy Event, TvT, CTF, DM, Hide and Seek + more events organised by GM’s
Offline trade 100% work
Olympiad 100% work
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You don't need Giants Codex to enchant your skills, you will need only GCM to enchant from +10 or +15. To enchant to +10,15 you need only SP and Adena.
Clan level 11. Skills can be learned only with reputation points. You don’t need eggs.
Easy Farming and enchanting.
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