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About bourbon

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    We ALL Deserver To DIE!!

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. akribws.. ama mpeis L2 me tn char s 8a emfanistoun.. Photo dn exw.. :S
  2. I need someone to give my msn.. in order to explain phx to mee.. i know the scripts,etc. but i still have problems.. PS. Guides are all hidden :@ Sp_ermin@hotmail.com plx add me
  3. Omg ksexasa t msn .. Sorry.. Sp_Ermin@hotmail.com
  4. Loipon... 8elw kapoios p na kserei na xeirizetai phx na m kanei add sto msn m.....kai dn 8a xasei ;D PS. Min m peite exei guide gt einai ola hidden k konteuw na spasw to pc! :@
  5. Nai.. Blepeis afto.. meta anoigeis t L2... k s bgazei panw deksia nomizw to onoma tou char k t sniffer k ola...
  6. Guys!!!!!!!!!!! 8elw ena Phx Version p na doulebei sto L2 Core..!!! Sorry an exei ksanaginei t post... Exw to 3.1.8 se ellhnikh ekdosh alla dn kanei tpt!!!! ekei p agorazw to item k paw sto phx na brw ton kwdiko anti gia multibuy item (kati tetoio) m bgazei BuyItem... Min m peite oti dn pianei gt ena paidi t ekane mprosta m me allh ekdwsh...(me to Phx 3.1.8 alla oxi me t greek.. s afton ebgaze kati erwtimatika pantou..) PLxxxxxxxxxxxx kapoia link gia na to katebasw alla oxi to Greek version.... P.S. Min peite dn ekana search.. ekana alla ola lene oti exoun Trojan,dn vriskw to 3.1.8... TY!
  7. The Worst Game is............... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Let me think.............. I actually like almost everything but there is one i dont like.. it's called Castlevania.. something like this
  8. I cant wait to play pes2010 :s
  9. Anyone can plx add me at msn and explain me with details about this prog??? PlX? MSN : D3adlySheep_21@hotmail.com PS. I would appreciate if you help me for some minutes
  10. REaLLy Nice but i have a few probs
  11. Damn it i cant See IT!!!!!!!!!!!! someone can add me at msn and explain me how to use it?! I Can pay for this if it works ;D
  12. Its F@cking fake.. maybe it's a virus on it.. :/
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