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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. i mean you just have to sit and do nothing, fucking boring


    A bit but it's still money. Im bored at all but I thinking about money and so :) Sitting on CCTV and walk on shop. Also I meet friends there, walking and talking with them and time goes faster:) Also I help some nice girls at shop and also time going faster :D 

  2. sap guzuza?

    Just back from work. Had like 6-8 gypsies at shop and they were trying to stole stuff but GuardChampBrzoza was there! :)


    They we're walking for over 2 hours to stole stuff ... I went down and they're gone. :)

    And also ordering GTA V again ... :D


    And you gypsyking? xoxo

  3. Just bought xbox and GTA 5 , i hope the Game is good!

    Cool way to lose your money! Paying for playing online, buying brand new batteries for pad. Good job!


    Now you want play GTA online and u must pay extra $$. QQ :D

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