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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. Hell yeah. Laurinitis will kick Cena's ass.


    Hell no hahaha. There is some option I realized:

    Who interferee will be fired imediately so since Brock Lesnar said he is 'leaving' he can come and defeat Cena for Laurnaitis.

    2nd option - Big Show is fired by Laurnaitis so he return as free agent and destroy Cena then Laurnaitis bring him back to roster mean Big Show turns heel.


    There is lot more option but bored to write :) I hope CM Punk win and I want Orton to win because last SD he looks like turning heel. I'll be glad to see him heel as The Viper.


    Most of WWE fans , still believe that it is real ..

    Well say to them instead saying here. I know it's scripted, if you see someone take stuff serious blame on him but not there. I could also say greece is stupid because most of them are. ^_^ See how it works? Dont compare a unit to everyone or someone re-define on their way.

  2. you know that this is just pathetic and your making a fool of yourselfs right?

    i mean what do you earn by rushing the game so fast? yeah i could be on inferno by the second hell even first day but that good that would do? you just lose all the fun u dont explore and generaly u fail hard time !


    plus u cant call your self an rpg gamer since u just rush things and u aint taking ur time exploring and having fun and lets dont forget thats what games are about having fun not rushing so u can brag to your friends cause ur awesome and got to inferno first.


    really -beep-tards like you gotta understand that having fun is the main part of a game being the fastest among the others to complete is just ridiculous not cool.


    Exactly! I explore everything that game giving me. On nightmare is fun to play with my cousin and finish every monster. Im not 'hardcore' gamer as you guys, but if I wants I can rush game fast and already beat whole game on any difficuly. If you like this and rush this so bad not my prob.


    Also I spend a lot time on auction to check items, prices and learn whole stuff. DarkSlayer if you playing Diablo III tell me ur e-mail/ID so I can add you. Peace.

  3. Chelsea FC Song - Blue Is the Colour.Champions 2012Blue is the colour, football is the game

    We're all together, and winning is our aim

    So cheer us on through the sun and rain

    'cause Chelsea, Chelsea is our name



    Here at the Bridge whether rain or fine

    We can shine all the time

    Home or away, come and see us play

    You're welcome any day



    Blue is the colour, football is the game

    We're all together, and winning is our aim

    So cheer us on through the sun and rain

    'cause Chelsea, Chelsea is our name



    Come to the Shed and we'll welcome you

    Wear your blue and see us through

    Sing loud and clear until the game is done

    Sing Chelsea everyone


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