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Posts posted by Brzoza


    finally u got borred? :P


    Im still Cena fan but he is champ and should make some action instead trashtalking and get beat every week and then win PPV ... It's really getting boring. I started watching TNA Impact. Its air on PL TV chanell with 1 week late only and WWE with 1 month. I go watch TNA if WWE will keep sucking.


    BTW after they did Triple powerbomb to Cena, when he lay down he talk to them something. I wonder what?

  2. Kofi is boring piece of sh1t ... He should turn heel.


    R-truth also sucks ... both niggas thats why :)

    Cena trashtalking and dont atacked rybakc ... WWE is idiots and week by week boring same sh1t ...

  3. Yey and i'll watch since I go work at 1 pm.


    BTW Rock is douchebag! He bullsh1t about his injury at WM because doesnt want lose to Brock Lesnar. Rock is scum and no more WWE superstar so dude gtfo if you want winning go play in G.I. Joke and there u'll winning.


    Fuck rocky! :)

  4. Finishing a face doesn't make you heel, check out Rocky (vs Cena), Batista at 2010 (vs Cena), Randy Orton doing rko to Sheamus with no reason.

    Actually it makes since Cena is babyface and WWE doesnt like main face vs another face? Really? Ryback lost his PPV fight like 5 in a row so he gets frustrated and will be ass kicked by Cena at Extreme Rules ... :(

  5. really?


    It's not confirmed but since he failed in MMA failed to open his gym in january he thinking about WWE return and could be nice to see him vs Lesnar in MMA fight :D


    BTW last year - Brock back and hit F5 to Cena after WM. Now Ryback turns heel (?) and hit shellshock on Cena. WWE creative team need rest and HHH and Vince need hire better writers.

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