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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. Everyone is like a sh*t now. The only one who's doing different moves is CM Punk (except his submission hold and the finishing "knees to faces").


    wtf u talk about? Idiot :D Its not about people they use what they want. Creative Team making for them Moveset gimmick etc. If they could use what they want it would be chaos :D


    Cena is still awesome and when I watch his fights he is like half usage. If they could use his 100% skills every match ... EPIC matches!


    Cena vs Punk MITB at Chicago Illinois - 5 star match ^_^

    About Chicago. 2/3 of the people are from Poland ...

    BTW and the best crowd ever!

    CM Punk Entrance at Money In The Bank 2011 - Chicago, IL. 17.07



  2. yep, after royal rumble it's extremely boring. Where da hell is CM Punk?


    Rest and cure all his previous injures so when he will back will be FULL POWER  ! :)


    He will be back at PPV PAYBACK on Chicago Illinois.

  3. Oh gosh, are you trying to find another way to attack me by changing the subject? "You're low."


    I bought it using adena.  :happyforever:


    What the point attackin you over internet ? Dude dont take it too serious! I said its just trashtalking but when u get it as attack we can stop ok ?

  4. retardoza


    chujoza just back from school ... :(



    Trance: Rosalie is mentally retarted he pretend the girl i know that im sure he got balls is just a stupid kid who lie around.


    Yea he said so! Dont argue with him ...  :LOL:

  5. You should see the difference between my av/sig and yours.  :happyforever:


    You're watching WWE while I'm living those moments.





    And what if I put same avatar as Rosalie? What that will mean?  Please tell me!


    Also, did you paid 15 euro for VIP ...? Trashtalking kid :)

  6. You have spent too much time on the internet, you should learn the difference between real life and virtual life.  :happyforever:


    Are you also using "lol" and such stuff in real life too?


    You have problem dude. You talk about real life that much cause u dont have one ?

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