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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. man it doesnt matter if u dont like vesper or dynasty players make the biggest role in the game if they login and dont see those items on a gracia final server they will say wtf where the -beep- are top items i just see s grade...its your server u do whatever u want

    Yes i aggre if u like classic S make it interlude :)

    GL with server ... :)

    I want to join it but when i see only S i wont Bye

  2. And it's a good option that "War Cry" gives 25 000 p atk?

    I dnt try this server,but as I see it has very high stats.

    So,imo,the game will be totally unbalanced.Sry if I'm wrong.

    There is balance ;)

    Only what need change is Titan ... pff it fcking op ... 10k+ with critical and 5k normal stun si more than 50% for sure ...

  3. Link is dead? Service Temporarily Unavailable

    It didnt work (for me) when i click 1st time.

    Try 2nd and it work lol :P

    I gonna test this srv ;)


    Edit: i checked srv and farm good but there guards weak ... the pro (lol) can kill newbie and easy can use gk to run pff ... remove gk from farm area's ... put more and better guards ...

    Edit2:Srv as others ... but here suck blessed encahnts 100% ... Farm areas should be 1 for adena and 1 for coin of luck ...

    I dont prefer  this server ....

  4. if u have work only with the site so why u dont open the server for the currents player ( to pass our time),i want to play something and dont want to replace your system with anyone else other server.

    can u please?::) ::)

    Go play mario xD haha


    When server open please write it :)

    GL and HF with server i test it ;)


  5. Server sound good and if there really playing as before 250+ I'll join for sure :)

    1 Thing what i dont like with ur high rate are max enchant +35 ... That too high =/ I prefer to change it for 25-20 - better

    Anyway Good Luck With Server ^^


    I tryed srv and it looks good but TH Overpower probably skills 100% chance to land ... =/

    TH can wear heavy without any penalty ...

    Paladins can use Bow's without any penalty ...

    Anyway srv have nice and fast grow comminty.

  6. Brzoza log in and then speak ok???? If You haven't Play Dont Speak!!! And You Can Buy Blessed Scroll{100& success} with gold dragon.


    LoL dude i can only read ur features and i know all about srv:)

    Thats true with safe 10 and max 51 suck suck ever ^^

    Maybe there is bless but enchant all staff +51 please man :P

    it make me laugh...

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