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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. I broke 2 dusk wep so i left your server!!It is very good server but needs more ple!!!

    Pff the only bad i see is tk site:/

    Anyway server looks good cya there!!!


    OmG kid! Learn how to use forum ... do not make more double post or next time i gonna report u for mods ... pfff kid ...

  2. OMG sh1t items at sh1t srv ;]

    Even ... u want to trade it for other sh1t failz0r srv!! :)


    [PL] Powodzenia w sprzedawaniu xD Nikt niekupi takiego gówna ... xD aaa dobra rada niegraj na DN bo to gówno i więcej niż połowa donaci ;] xD Jak chcesz srv mid 45x join www.l2demonik.com

  3. I test the Server yesterday and  the server will be the next one of the big ones !!! Nice Gameplay , Admin , Gms very Helpfull , The work has done is amazing. GM shop , special Teleporter , Raid Spawn . The server needs more players but its the beggining. Go Go there people.

    What they gave u to say all those sh1ts ? xD


    Good Luck and Good Job

  4. Yeah, I tried this server and didn't like it very much :/


    First, it gets borring pretty fast...

    Second, I don't like the custom hat system

    Third, not many people online...


    LoL There isnt get boring so fast ... u must collect coin to make all items++ there is nice balance

    Ur problem :)

    There is much ppl as for new srv :) 58 atm :)


    Join it worth to try :)


    EDIT: My Idea for server :)



    # Enchant: Save: +7

    # Max (Weapon): +25

    # Max (Armor & Jewels): +20

    # Rate (Normal): 75%

    # Rate (Blessed): 85% - 90 decrase to 85% and make higher price

    # Rate (Crystal): 100% - remove them or make it Hiiiiiiiiiigh price because is easy to farm and 1 day full max items... i think is better to farm more and better gameplay/pvp


    More farms zone's


    All others are good as its now and i think my idea for encahnts are good :)


  5. This server Beeeest :P


    After wipe i was playing there (Gracia ct2.3) .


    IMO server was THE BEST when there was only Pride items (dynasty) when they add more weapons that going to FAIL ...


    Anyway i still remember how i was broking my wpns :P. At 1st 5 day's server opened i was the best enchanter on srv ;]


    I had:

    Pride Shot + 18 (broken at 19 ...)

    Pride Clever +17 (broken at 18)

    Pride baton +19 (broken at 20 lol)

    Pride heavy set+16 (+16 set give special stats ... i sold it)

    Pride Crusher +16 (broken at 17)

    20k silver

    All custom masks


    I have all on server in 5 days i was THE BEST ENCAHNTER on whole srv ... (If u dont believe ask GM that gm who make event "Simon says" sorry i dont remember his nick xD lol)


    And this srv worth to try ... :)

  6. stop spam in your topic!

    I just make it to make this topic up lol

    and ur post are useless u dont need to do it ... but i see u are new "noob" mxc member and u are post hunter :)

    GL HF

  7. Well, people you're true about lag. I can't say the opposite because I feel this shit everytime I am logging in. We're testing many things at our configs and I believe that we'll fix lag very soon.


    About auto events, we're trying to configure them but you know, it's not easy, since there are bugs on them. We had auto events 3-4 months ago, but there were too many bugs and it was just a mess.

    Frank xD I suggest u to make auto events with full of bugs ... all of them crying for it ... well make it for some days and after that they will cry events bug and other sh1ts :P

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