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About iron3

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  1. i had try with a system not clear and it;s works .. :S
  2. hmm then try this : find a freya server system(not clear) and put your ip in the ini. I believe it'll work
  3. i had this problem . Download a clear system and you could see the cloaks
  4. dokimase accs.lvl 127
  5. Gia sas . Exw ena servr l2j freya kai xreiazomai enan dev gia na m ftoixei toys buffers/gmshop/gk ktlp . Vevaia xwris xrhma.An einai kapoios kai thelei na help parakalw na epikoinwnisei mazi m sto skype name : HeavenReturns.
  6. http://img291.imageshack.us/i/123dcd.png/
  7. vsk exeis skype?? gt m vgazei ena error otan paw na kanw upload thn photo
  8. exw ena provlima me to install tis db (database installer) http://img529.imageshack.us/i/24318748.png/ (freya client)
  9. exw omws kai ena provlima ...dn m pernaei tis armor.sql ...
  10. Psaxnw gia freya pack an kapoios exei please na me help !! SOz an exw kanei auto to post se lathos section
  11. GL with your server
  12. ok sas eyxaristw
  13. http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/1027/79310668.jpg
  14. Gia sas exw ena provlima me to gm shop(npc) kai me to command //gmshop.otan grafw //gmshop k pataw armors dn m anoigei to chatbox gia na tis agorasw ..mporei na me help kapoios?.epishs sto gameserver.bat m vgazei no buy list: ip
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