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Everything posted by rooy

  1. Oneo is c6 server?
  2. Are u sure??
  3. Share the best pack c4 c5 c6 :-* ::) :o ;D
  4. Can u help me??
  5. Look this!!! <? ////////////////////////////////////// // Statistik Script by I-Web Design // // -------------------------------- // // Contact: webmaster@michieru.de // // Homepage: www.michieru.de // // // // Using: // // You can use the Script for free // // and edit it in all places. Only // // keep this head-copyright on each // // site of this script. // // See info.txt for more details!!! // ////////////////////////////////////// //Database ////////// $dbhost="localhost"; //Host/IP from the MySQL Database $dbname="l2jdb"; //Name of Database (in many times it is 'l2jdb') $dbuser="root"; //Username to the MySQL Database $dbpass="root"; //Passwort to the MySQL Database //Main-Config ///////////// $config['config_startpage']="home.php"; //The site where should displayed first //Home = "home.php" //Status = "status.php" //Statistik = "stat.php" //Search-DB = "search.php" //Player-Map = "map.php" $config['config_script_name']=""; //Here you can wrote you name from the Homepage / Clan or something. //It will be displayed on the Top //Map-Config //////////// $config['config_map_quality']="high"; //Quality of the Map and size //"low" = Low quality and size (this can reduce the traffic of the server) //"middle" = Middle quality and size (this looks good on 1280x1024 resolution) //"high" = High quality and size (this is a detailed map but more traffic) // //Notice: Whole-Map is always "low" quality //Config-Server variable //////////////////////// $config['server_path']="c:/server/l2j/gameserver/data/announcements.txt"; //Full path to the announcements.txt. //example: //Windows = C:/server/l2j-server/data/announcements.txt //Linux = /usr/server/l2j-server/data/announcements.txt $config['server_ip']=$_SERVER[""]; //IP adress from the Server. $_SERVER[""] = IP from HTTP-server //example: //HTTP-Server IP = $config['server_ip']=$_SERVER[""]; //External IP = $config['server_ip']=""; //Controll displaying each site /////////////////////////////// //This options are experimental. You should test it to disable any Site before you make it public. //Problem that can be happen when a linked Site are disabled. //Example: Statistik->Player = disabled. Now you can Click on Statistik->Top100 on a name and you get a empty Site! $config['config_display_home'] ="yes"; //Display Home (yes, no) $config['config_display_home_game'] ="yes"; //Display Home->Game (yes, no) $config['config_display_home_faq'] ="no"; //Display Home->FAQ (yes, no) $config['config_display_status'] ="yes"; //Display Status (yes, no) $config['config_display_status_server'] ="yes"; //Display Status->Server (yes, no) $config['config_display_status_online'] ="yes"; //Display Status->Online-Players (yes, no) $config['config_display_statistik'] ="yes"; //Display Statistik (yes, no) $config['config_display_statistik_top100'] ="yes"; //Display Statistik->Top100 (yes, no) $config['config_display_statistik_player'] ="yes"; //Display Statistik->Player (yes, no) $config['config_display_statistik_clan'] ="yes"; //Display Statistik->Clan (yes, no) $config['config_display_search_db'] ="yes"; //Display Search-DB (yes, no) $config['config_display_search_db_item'] ="yes"; //Display Search-DB->Item (yes, no) $config['config_display_search_db_armor'] ="yes"; //Display Search-DB->Armor (yes, no) $config['config_display_search_db_weapon'] ="yes"; //Display Search-DB->Weapon (yes, no) $config['config_display_search_db_monster'] ="yes"; //Display Search-DB->Monster (yes, no) $config['config_display_player_map'] ="yes"; //Display Player-Map (yes, no) $config['config_display_player_map_whole'] ="yes"; //Display Player-Map->Whole-Map (yes, no) $config['config_display_player_map_aden'] ="yes"; //Display Player-Map->Aden (yes, no) $config['config_display_player_map_elmore'] ="yes"; //Display Player-Map->Elmore (yes, no) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Dont edit behind this line/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $verbindung=MYSQL_CONNECT($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die ("Datenbankserver nicht erreichbar"); MYSQL_SELECT_DB($dbname) or die ("Datenbank nicht vorhanden"); $get_config_data="SELECT online FROM characters WHERE online>0"; $config_data=MYSQL_QUERY($get_config_data); $config['num_online']=mysql_num_rows($config_data); error_reporting(0); $IP = array( "login_server" => $config[''].":2106", "game_server" => $config[''].":7777", ); while(list($ServerName,$Host)=each($IP)) { list($IPAddress,$Port)=explode(":",$Host); if($fp=fsockopen($IPAddress,$Port,$ERROR_NO,$ERROR_STR,(float)0.5)) { $config[$ServerName]="<font color=\"#00ff00\">Online</font>"; fclose($fp); }else{ $config[$ServerName]="<font color=\"#ff0000\">Offline</font>"; } } mysql_close($verbindung); ?>
  6. Wait 1 minute
  7. I cant Find...I think is problemm !!! Help ;D I will give to anyone Gmrights but first i want to Make it online
  8. How i can make my ip static this dont change www.whatismyip.com ty...
  9. Geiaaaa loipon anixa c6 server mia fora ton afisa anixto gia 1 ora kai meta ton eklisa meta den mporousa na ton xananixo mou elege auto edw sto localhost : Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) in W:\www\main\inc\config.php on line 85 Datenbankserver nicht erreichbar Kapios pou mporei na boithisei... metafrastet to sta agglika...:P ;D Tha sas po kai to ip gia na mpenetai..!! ty.
  10. Nice i try to make far settings When target is 77000 to melee Nice i make it alone...
  11. I make search but i cant find somethink...
  12. Guide For Mages??:PBecause my bot dont make nothing..
  13. 1 guide for Bot??
  14. Share the best ig and oog walker for l2 c5 Ty...
  15. Hi all somethink Safe for Enchant bug? Reply...
  16. l2signs bug ?? I think l2signs dont have any bug...:P
  17. Valerios i add you in msn log in and check your private messages...asap.
  18. How i can add photo if i post somethink (in my profile)(someone can see??) Sry for my english.. :-\
  19. Share InterLude Files Here pls :)
  20. hi all i want 1 bot for l2 c5 server if u can to give me with settings please server is x30 www.l2signs.com and 1 guide please :) ;D ;D thx!!..
  21. How i can find token www.l2signs.com this is server Pls help me !! ;D
  22. How i can find token www.l2signs.com is server x30 help me ;D
  23. i want labrute latest version but 1.4 i open it..! version 1.3? version 1.2? i need it share it and Guide!!!!
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