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Posts posted by SkyNet

  1. again ? >< i would suggest u to get a new forum name a new server name some new stuff a newer chronicle...


    why someone should join your server when he know that this is the 3.?4.?5.?6.? start of this server  ? :S

  2. And if for example, i want create a new item with a new icon (a item without effects, i mean, a item only for trade and buy items), for example, maxcheaters coin, how i can do it? I dont see any guide :)


    Thanks! :)


    for this u have to go in "Lineage II Client Mods" Section and there u will find guides as well...

  3. if u would just take a look in your pack, u would find the sql folder in 2 seconds!!!


    and while u can't even fix such a easy think u should really rethink about to make a server :s


    (16000,30361,'Lady Gaga',1,'xXxLooPxXx',1,'LineageMonster.wererat_01te',8.00,25.50,70,'male','L2Npc',40,2444,1225,0.00,0.00,40,43,30,21,20,20,0,0,1086,471,749,313,230,0,333,0,0,0,45,109,0,1);   

  4. Hello

    My srv have problem

    I have deticated.

    But for uknown reason server have lag.

    Deticated dont have any problem beacuse , for 1-2 min we lag at 30 peoples and at 70 too.

    The machine is good,no errors at gs console or something.

    Also no geodata..

    Inter core 2 duo

    4 ram

    Windows exp



    Any idea plz?


    u really run under Win XP ?

    don't think u will ever get on this way a lag free server^^ and also would be nice to know this hoster which give xp... can't believe this!

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