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Everything posted by Bgd13Free

  1. Better forget about it ...there are to many good servers out there that u can't beat so u will waste ur time for sure
  2. Honestly for now I think , Lineage , World of Warcraft and Counter-Strike are enough , seeming they are the most played games at the moment . It could be a good idea for the Moderators to start a new topic . Maybe asking for suggestions on new servers , but that , after they've made a clear map of what they need to do with the current one's .
  3. Thank's alot this will surely be usefull some day O.o
  4. Good little guide for the newbies ^_^ , Good Job , all the newbies will bookmark this O.o
  5. Sure is gonna be helpful in the future . Thx alot :P Keep up the good work ^_^
  6. I'm myself , I am BGD13FREE , For all of those person who are less smart , do not understand , cannot read ( are greek ) , I've said it once , I've said it 200 times , I am BGD13FREE , Not an old person who got banned and made a new account , not this ManiakMike who you assume me to be .... JEEZ can't you get it through your thick skulls ? >.>
  7. Uhm , no offence , but everyone who said those are good , was just trying to get some posts . I think they kinda lied , my opinion is that even a monkey could render some ordinary picture he/she found on google . Very plain , and sad actually , it's sad you think those are so great they deserve to be posted . But anyway , better luck next time , try the "I feel lucky button" on google :D maybe next time you'll find better pictures to render ;) . Your renders = Waste of time . No offence but they just ... suck >.>
  8. GrisoM dude u are such a nab u fuked up ManiakMike's name T_T "maniamike" ON : xKenji is in the lead O.o gg mate :P
  9. Really nice work all of you :-? Hmm , one particular banner got my attention :-? ManiakMike's one seem pretty catchy , everyone else did a fair amount of good work also ^_^ keep it up guys , Great Job Mike , out of all the people that made banners here , if this were a contest I'd surely vote him :o MIKE FOR PRESIDENT !!! =]
  10. I kinda agree with Nomz , God knows I'm tired of young Greek kids who don't know how to spell things right , and they thing they're so good . Blame me if I'm wrong , but I really think the Old History Book Greece had way higher IQ than the present generation . Don't be a child Cobra ... grow up , the truth is , you don't know nothing about typing correctly and i'm sure your coding is just a pack of templates , I saw your site for your Server , really .... learn to type , Learn english today , tomorrow may be to late . Check your forums with proper grammar spelling programs , you'll see alot of red wavey underlines =)) . Best server I've been on was L2-Light , till alot of corruption went on , and I wouldn't stand up for it , so I got banned and stuff ....
  11. :P yeah nice commercial L2 Bla Bla join us asap , what people don't understand is that one server with alot of players and little lag would be nice , instead everyone makes their own server and good players are scattered all over the l2 servers ... That is actually very sad , I for one would like a server with alot of good player , most of them are Greek kids who spam the "a" "x" and "0" keys .... Sadly the world of quality l2 is dieing
  12. I would surely vote for L2Crysis :-? , but then again any server is good as long as you have your friends playing with you :P
  13. Hmmm , I'm sure the tops change really quickly during a day , cause players could vote , thus changing the numbers . It's interesting as a book keeping , since you posted it on the 4th of February :P . We're just gonna see the changes in the future . Not that I honestly believe all those tops , cause Dinamic-Ip could change them . Ask romanian people which have RDS >.>
  14. A really good guide indeed , new players who wouldn't like to seem as total noobs in-game should really look into this . A great thing to invest your time in , trying to bring new people into the L2 world , God knows there are so many people out there just spamming buttons " Look at me ! I'm playing L2 " >.> . Again Great Job !
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