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Everything posted by Abusive

  1. I remember reading this topic really long time ago. I remember how I felt for the person with such loss. As someone said, lineage has strong influence on out lifes, either we want it, or not. Damn, i'm not playing this game for over 1 year now, but the memories keeps coming back, flashing in my mind. Nostalgic. The Dion Theme brings back memories. But not mine anymore. Everytime I play it, it brings back your memories. I am really sorry for your loss. Keep playing the Dion Melody in your head now. It's yours melody now.
  2. well, i just started to testing epi, since never played it before. But im moar of a interlude player, the only thing i like about ct2.3 is vitality, and u can spend less time lvling ;]
  3. well, acp for teh win anyway ;D But that's good idea tho, i've used that only with multiplying dagger skills, (4x backstab, in case if the target gets to far)
  4. some of u guys laugh at those crests, and u don't have faintest idea how shi7 it is to work witch such a small resolution. good job man, that will help some ppl to get new, original crests, since it rly looks boring when ppl use crests u can see on every server.
  5. AzureGaming, I played there for over 2 years, and i felt like i should pay smtn, and there was Celes coming, so i used the chance for 2nd class q :) That was 20$, if i remember well. I don't think i will donate ever again, there's no point, since i've got other things to pay for ;)
  6. Name of the server: eXistence Chronicle: Interlude Dualbox: Allowed+OfflineShop Server start: 18:00 o'clock (+1 GMT) of 13 February 2010 Dedicated server: Hardware: CPU: AMD PHENOM 64 X4 9650 (4x 2,3 GHz) Mem: 16 GB [+ EXTRA Cooling] HD: 2 x 320 GB SATA II Bandwidth 100 Mbps Network Uptime Guarantee 99.99% Server rate: * Exp -4x * Adena-4x * Drop-3x * SP-4x * Spoil-4x * Quest Exp-4x * Quest Adena-4x * CH Taxes - 4x Important link's: - Main page - eXistence team - Forum rules - About Donate - IRC - TS 2
  7. Online is over 100 now, and it's still raising, so server is getting better and better! We still invite everyone to join us!
  8. Well, we have checked everything and it seems to be ok. Online is 70+ and it's growing everyday, so we still invite all of you!
  9. Well, we try as hard as we can, and we'll try to get this bug fixed as soon as possible.
  10. May I have your attention please ;) Dances and songs has been changed to 5 minutes! Same goes for cov/pof/etc. Little change, to make server more friendly! Online is 60+ we invite all of you!
  11. L2 Ghetto Guardians is a group of gamers that want to create a fun and exciting gaming community. We are quite new, as this it first our serious project. We have worked on other servers as well, but not specially big ones. We will tryto become one of the most popular Lineage II server in the world. Project Mayhem will be a legit gamer-friendly server, with no unbalancing donations and retail-like gameplay. As we know there is many corrupted and unbalanced private servers. We want to make a new server, completely different one. Admins and GM's will be no involved into the game, and the donations will be balanced as well, so there will be no advantages for donators. We believe that many people will be happy to join us, and help us to build new, great community. Web site: www.l2gg.pl We want to reach a record of being a fair, fun, and stable gaming community. We won't close down our servers without reason. We won't sell items behind the scenes and let corrupt staff ruin the gaming experience. We are a staff dedicated to being as fair as possible, and providing the best gaming experience possible. We'd love for you to join us, so we could make great community. Ask our players how it is here. They'll agree that we're the best. Server will be working on our own files, made by us, and that gives us full control of them. Our dev group know what they're doing, and we can say, that we'll do everything, to make our server the best! Rates: • Exp Rate: 8x • SP Rate: 8x • Party Exp Rate: 2x • Adena Rate: 8x • Drop & Spoil Rate: balanced 8x • Quest rate: balanced 8x Modifications: • Dances & Songs - 5min • Buffs - 30min (specials - 5min) • Changing class cat • Many events, that makes start easier. What do we have to offer: • Friendly community • Active GMs, and lot of fun • Long server live • Online - if you help us with that ;) Donation: Dantion system is still developed, to be as friendly to ours players, as it's only possible There will be no full items available. Server specs: You can find more information on our website, in: 'Network Info' Server will go live TODAY at 16:00 GMT+1!! SEE YOU THERE!
  12. im gonna try it soon
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