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Posts posted by +cs.tribal

  1. 29 minutes ago, Evie Frye said:


    L2Elite items are super expensive even nowadays, i sold arcane mace +25 for 400 euro 1 year ago and elite for 100 euro. 

    Why someone give you his acc for free when he can even sell A Grade :?


    Also good choise of Elite. Best server but if u want play u have to donate at least 500 euro else donators will rape you. Trust me played 2 years.


    i know all this! I dont see why you came here and said all this...just to destroy me Topic's potentials, thats all i can see! anyway dudre ...if you were trying to find free account you wouldnt like this comment as well if you were in my place!

  2. Well all I wanna do is help someone get into bitcoin and maybe earn good from it in the future! Cryptourrency and Bitcoin is the future and prices of the top 10 coins right now are going to grow a lot in the next few years! so you buy now and get rich in a year or two not is days!

  3. So how do you make money from Bitcoin?

    You have two options: mine or trade. By mining for Bitcoins, as long as the markets remain active you can basically make money for nothing. But the problem is, mining is such a tough gig now that it is hardly worth it. Turning your computer into a miner will likely make it noisy and heat up. It would likely take you a long time to even mine a single Bitcoin, by which time you probably would have spent more on electricity. However, if you have access to some serious computing power and you don't have to pay the bills, you could make some easy money here.

    The more realistic way of making a million with Bitcoins is going to be trading them through the most prominent exchanges, such as Coinbase. Back in 2011, you could have bought Bitcoins for $10. Selling them at $1,000 today would have delivered a profit of $990 per Bitcoin. Basically you should have bought about 1,000 Bitcoins back when they were cheap. This would have cost you around $10,000 in 2011, making you a millionaire today.

    Making a million with Bitcoins today is probably still possible, but you will need some capital. Bitcoins can fluctuate many percentage points every day (on May 22, 2017 the price jumped up 10%). Day trading Bitcoins is going to be risky, but where is there is volatility there is opportunity. Otherwise, you need to take a longer-term approach and conclude whether or not you think Bitcoin will be successful. If you think Bitcoin is going to be traded by foreign exchange dealers, market makers and institutions one day, you might want to go long. Buying right now would be incredibly risky; the price chart is screaming “bubble”, but your point of entry is up to you. Don't expect to see more of the same fast growth now though.

    On the other hand, if you have a strong conviction in the downfall of the Bitcoin, you need to short the cryptocurrency in any way you can. This would be an extremely risky endeavor still, but if the Bitcoin market is truly destined for failure, why not get rich when the bubble pops? To short Bitcoin, you will either need to get creative or join an exchange which allows you to do so.


    Interested and wanna get into the crypto trading world today? I can help you setup your first Bitcoin wallet and buy your first bitcoins to get started! Just leave a post down below  or PM me and I will be in your service.


  4. Selling BTC/ETH for PP @ 15%, snipta rates.
    Payment will be sent via goods/services, fees are on me.

    Only doing exchanges $100 and less.

    Stock: $250

    Post here or send me a PM with the amount you need to exchange.

    Terms Of Service: 

    1. You will go first, no exceptions.
    2. Your PayPal must be verified.
    3. I have the right to refuse any exchange.
    4. Accepting only sent as "friends and family" transactions.
    5. I can change the terms of service at any moment.
    6. You must be able to provide some kind of ID or passport.

  5. Hello MaxCheaters.

    Today I'm sharing with you my video guide on how to setup a DarkComet RAT.


    I this video you will learn:
    - How to portforward.
    - How to allow ports on firwall.
    - How to setup a noip DNS host.
    - How to setup the options of DarkComet.

    -No-IP link:
    -DarkComet 5.3.1 Download link:



    All credits to me. Thank you

  6. Hey NOOBS, looking for a working CS:GO multihack which contains aimbot, wallhack, bhop-hack and many more, then you are the right topic :D

    - Triggerbot - autofire or hold key mode, changeable delay
    - Aim assist - works with automatic weapons
    - Aimlock - selects the enemy closest to your crosshair and locks onto him. Works well with any weapon, especially the deagle and snipers =)
    - GlowESP (wallhack) - teammates (green), enemies (red), blue (vulnerable enemies - not having a firearm equipped, flashed or out of ammo)
    - Radarhack
    - No flash hack
    - Bunny hop
    - Kill Message

    - Left ALT - hold LALT to lock onto an enemy
    - SPACE - hold SPACE to use bunny hop
    - MOUSE5 (a side button on gaming mice) and MMB (middle mouse button) - triggerbot hold keys

    - F6 - cycle through triggerbot modes (autofire, hold key, disabled - default)
    - SHIFT+F6 - cycle through triggerbot delays (10, 30 - default, 50, 80, 110, 140)
    - F7 - toggle aim assist
    - SHIFT+F7 - toggle aim assist mode (rage/legit)
    - F8 - toggle aimlock
    - SHIFT+F8 - toggle aimlock target (head/chest)
    - F9 - toggle GlowESP
    - SHIFT+F9 - toggle radar hack
    - F10 - toggle no flash hack
    - F11 - toggle bunny hop
    - SHIFT+F11 - toggle Kill Message

    If there's a conflict with your in-game binds, just change your binds, press ESCape to get into the game menu or alt-tab out whenever you want to reconfigure the cheat.

    - all offsets are updated automatically (pattern scanning) - a minor CS:GO update won't break the cheat and it might work with non-steam CS:GO too
    - works in fullscreen and windowed modes
    - disable your antivirus or add an exception if it detects this cheat as a virus. The mods who approve the file manually scan the file to make sure it's clean so you don't have to worry
    - if the hack doesn't work, try clicking the 'Unblock' button in the .exe's properties (screenshot). Running the hack with administrator rights might sort it out, too.
    - Windows XP is not supported. Upgrade your OS if possible

    - this is a public version of the cheat, so use it at your own risk. VAC bans are delayed. There's no way to tell that the cheat is actually undetected.
    - cheating blatantly in competitive will get you Overwatch banned. Don't overdo it! Casual/Demolition/Deathmatch/Arms Race/Community servers aren't Overwatched, so you can go crazy there =)
    - if you've been banned, make sure it isn't OW and you haven't used other cheats lately so that you don't confuse other users

    Q: The hack doesn't work with the non-steam CS:GO version I'm using. Can you fix it?
    A: My primary focus is the latest official Steam CS:GO version. I'm doing my best to support older non-steam versions too, but only if it doesn't make the hack worse for Steam users. If the hack doesn't work, just try and update your non-steam CS:GO to a later version.

    Q: Could you add [a new feature], please?
    A: Not very likely.

    Q: What are your priorities when you develop the hack?
    A: User friendly, not bloated, stable, responsive, using as little system resources as possible (FPS drops are NOT cool) and fun to use.

    Virus scans:

    changes from v8.11 to v8.12:
    - a new signature

    Download Link:

    This exploit/hack/cheat was not created by me, all credits got to "
    anime_girl"  who is the creator! I'm just sharing it with you guys here in MXCs community! Cheers!
  7. 1. Register on the site HERE!

    2. Go to goldmine page and generate your own referral link.


    3. Send your referral link on various social media sites like facebook fanpages, google+ communites or steam groups.


    4. Everytime someone CLICKS (nothing else, registering is not needed) your reflink, he joins your team!


    5. If any member of your team buys a game on the site, you're getting paid between 2,5% to 10% of the game price!


    6. REMEMBER! The more time you invest in it, the bigger profit will be.

  8. Here is the riddle:

    I managed to find the download link, but you have to find the password for the archive(winrar) file too! I have been trying to decrypt it 2 days now but I have no idea what I'm doing so I had no luck with it!


    Please someone solve this to me, I know that with some basic knowledge it's a really easy thing to do but damn me, I dont know anything yet about how these things work!

    If you manage to find the solution(the password), please send it to me via PM so that not every one can see it!(anti-leeching reasons)

    Thank you!

  9. Only thing this does is make your cpu run at full MHz all the time.

    yeah smartass, but in Counter Strike when in Saver Mode i got 30-50FPS but before windows 10 change this option itself, i had 160-200FPS! which is a big drop!


    Thanks you very much for your tutorial but i see you are playing heroes of the storm. I have some FPS Drop with a GT 520M 6gb ram why? did you know I run the game in 32 bit. The internet conenction can do the fps drop?sds

    Internet connection cant drop your FPS, but you can give you spikes/lag!!! Have you tried to check option shown in the video?

  10. Yo, I finished high school as a proggramer but i have 0 proffesional experience!! I think that could be a really nice way to start get in the things, plus i love pokemon im playing since i was 5-6 till now!!

  11. Hello folks!
    I've been looking for a OnePlus One invitation for like 2-3weeks now and I don't seem to have any luck with it!
    So if any MaxCheater owns a OnePlus One smartphone and he has an invite who doesn't know what to do with it or dont need it... PLEASE GET IN CONTACT WITH ME!

    Thank you! :)

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