I've started this project 2 month ago and i think its 99% ready. I wanted to make something clean, easy to use and no advertising.
So what's the idea? free for all!
I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel but I'm trying to make something professional.
There is no premium option but i intend to implement some kind of vip account. You don't have to pay anything for the vip. We require only a link back to our homepage and you receive a position on our Recommended Servers Section. The order is going to be random.
Here are a few examples of pages:
Home page
Top Servers
Server page
Vote page
I will try to update this post with new changes that we bring on the site.
Version 1.0 - March 21, 2014
Added: page: home/top/submit/edit
Added: forum (smf)
Fixed: forum integration with rankpvp.com
Added: page: server page
Added: page: vote page
Added: sorting by age: newest/oldest
Added: sorting by country
Added: sorting by type
Added: banner generator based on server details
Added: uptime bot
Fixed: uptime formula
Added: bot for votes (votes are counted every 10 minutes)
See you on the 1st position on our top :)
p.s. * Planning to add api. The servers admins will be able to pull data from our website directly on server. That means that u can reward individual players for their votes. For example you can make an Vote Shop with prices in votes or you just make a list of top voters on your website and so on.