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  1. Borei kai na pianei,pote dn 3es.!
  2. file vale kai kamia foto na doume ti mas ginete ;) kai kati alo gia tin client einai ???
  3. file polu wreo..alla na evazes kai kamia foto na 3erame ti katevazoume, kai an mas aresei ;)
  4. omg kai pali omg ...ti einai auto re ? ??? ??? Des Auto http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=15069.0 kai pali xa0xa0xa0xa0xa0x0
  5. polu kalo file....emena m arese gt exei valei kai ta lvl pou prepei na agorazoun. ;D kai pali kalO.
  6. [move]telioO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/move]
  7. XaXaXa . ;) 1) you not new 2) you not dev 3) you not .......xD
  8. re c zero* einai kai g**w ....apla boreis an me helpareis pws na ton kanw online gia na boun aloi????. plz help xD.
  9. nC fakoykas.....:P se 8aumazw..... [move]Kai Pali gamato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/move]
  10. This server is down? ... not login..and i download patch and Critical Error!!! why???
  11. Ontos legola vale kai kamia foto.Egw dld me t pou eida to link gia na to kanw download variomouna na to dw.!! Alla tha to dokimaso pou tha mou paei ;) ;) ;) [move]Administrator Of Server www.L2Saphire.ucoz.com[/move]
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  15. File Einai Kalo Auto Pou Les Alla Den Exw Katalavei Sto Patch Allazei Automata H ip :/
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