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Everything posted by alexteam

  1. 1. do not work on IL or c4 (need to rewrite a lot of html parts in plugin. i dont want to do it :P) 2. theoritical works on kamael and all gracia's (need to change packets id and some struct of packets in script) 3. all modifications to adapt it must be done in script. (dll do not work with lineage protocol. everithing related with packets in script) 4. tested on pt2 servers. works perfect :P 5. will work only with latest l2ph (latest build of there was 5 or 6 with same version) you can get it here HERE 6. also its was writed for myself. and i wont support it :P want change something - do it by yourself. sources of plugin: HERE. how to "install" 1. unpack igext.rar (you can get compilled version here) to plugins folder of hp. 2. run ph. 3. in "automation-plugins" mark checkbox near igext. 4. in "automation-scripts" create a new script and put there this source. 5. change next values * characterName = character name ;D (ex. helloworld) * SettingsName = name of ini file where you want to store configs of bot. (ex. helloworld) * DataFolder = path to lgext folder (must be in plugins folder) 6. mark the script for execute. 7. run the game when you in game push 1st social action (alt+c - greetings). game menu should appear. configure it and have fun. for sure. most of things there looks and work like things in l2walker. so. i hope you will not have any problems with configuring it. some screens for understanding what its can do. (erms. i need
  2. This is bug in last version. use lsp in 'connection intercept' mode.
  3. I recommend to copy it in system32. Yes, it is not necessary but it helps to avoid the situation when user runs l2ph, activates lsp. then deletes ph folder(and dll 2) or move it to another place. as result - hes obtain a lot of problems with winsocks coz lsp module is still installed with 'dead' patch to library.
  4. look for LSPprovider.dll in l2ph distr. upd: changes from to readX/readXex functions in plugins was fixed. lsp module from now can work in "inject.dll"-like mode. (intercept whole connection) readq/writeq functions, int64 type added to script engine and readq,readqex,writeq,writeqex functions to plugins.
  5. 3rd method. use latest version. must be runned with admin rights.
  6. upd. critical bug with "arrays as function/procedure param" in script engine was fixed.
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Layered_Service_Provider
  8. l2ph 82rev+ works on gracia final btw.
  9. add l2.bin to application list in intercept settings tab.
  10. upd. to memory leak "fix" was ported from 3.6. 4get to do it in 112 rev. marked as stabble release. 113 was deleted from ftp. dmitry501, и ты тут ? 0_o
  11. bikso96, and this is all what you can do on protocol level ? xD at last. some words 4 all theese people who think that this tool developed for "hacking". "Actually l2ph just simplifies some aspects of the game. its easily could automate some routine actions." © offforum. "This utility is not designed for hacking servers. " © offmanual.
  12. my english not perfect.. i know.. at last it's not my nature language XD but in fact most people want changelog. and no1 want to translate "official". due forum settings i can't upload it here. >:( you can find in on official ftp. anyway.. i cant understand how it's can be helpfull. coz 84 and 83 its like win7 and 95. 84 was started from zerro. almost no code was "copied" from 83.
  13. looks like most people saying "dont work" can't find settings XD for all theese people - if l2ph rev 83 and lower works on your server - newest versions will. just configure it like 83- coz intercept off by default.
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