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Everything posted by alexteam
4got about frost ? its "eat" a lot they just waiting for new hardware. no fixes in software part.
sry. eng not my nature language. its looks like: [present day] 1. its lag some.. they waiting for "patch" from nc. (someone believes in a software problem with the server side? me - NOT) 2. i got some problems with launching of the game... but it's ok now. 3. they have no bots. yea! i didnt see any! who cares, its much better that ncw. so Lets play! [in 1-2m] 1. tech support is terrible. i got ban for using antivirus software (signaturecheck)\subnet ban (yeah baby. we have that on ru). and ticket is still "processing" wtf with innova! 2. high level spots full of clickers \ bots. 3. tons people with nicks "qwedqdq" on 1-20 quests X_x 4. nonstop adena sellers pm\friend chat spam 5. after launching client i must restart pc, coz fucking frostcolletor injects in every app and i cant play\work\watch porn untill reboot. FUUUUU!!!
.... .... oh people. cmon. i play on RUoff by innova from start, and belive me there a lot of botters/radar users/l2ph users/etc (from start to present day). and time shows that their protection mostly hampers legit players enjoy the game. if you want to play with comfort - you forced to use multiwin\tweak toolz (and automatically become to nonlegit player, and then get autoban for that) on the other hand "true-bot-user" need to find the "right" software to feel comfortable. eat that: http://i.piccy.info/i7/4f789a12f9a3a3e6632517bb49470b97/1-5-3403/23940193/Bezymiannyi.png
yes. this is paid software. price = 1 russian ruble (aprox 4 cents) for 8 hour of usage (pay period) 1 month of 24\7 = 90 rubles = about 3.23 USD. also you can turn payments off when you dont use software. l2ext at the moment is focused on russian segment, but has an english localization of interface\datapack. Unfortunately no english documentation, as well as no time for writing it. We can make a small deal: I help register an account, deposit funds for "happy botting", and help set up software. also, i give the necessary information for setting up of various automation functions by request (there are a lot), help with scripts (its mean that need sum1 who known objectpascal) instead, I get a structured guide. ps. almost all who have "understand" the setting, functional and scripts did not want to use Walker.
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alexteam replied to Stealth's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English] critical update. (crash when intercepted client get disconnect with socket error) Stealth, update it please :P if 3.8 works fine 4.5+ _must_ work. all after 3.x.x works with interlude. you can get it on official l2ph ftp. latest one - http://l2phx.pp.ru/arhive/l2phx. -
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alexteam replied to Stealth's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]
mwahahah. ps. spam (?) -
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alexteam replied to Stealth's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]
bla, bla bla. its not a ph. its packed cheats "dont works great" ph - just a tool what allows you to manipulate with packets. -
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alexteam replied to Stealth's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]
2all. yesterday i was really drunk when uploaded 26.148, for sure its wasn't tested. right now i did lot of fixes is socket engine logic and socks5 added yesterday. so i recommend to download it again. oh.. my head XD -
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alexteam replied to Stealth's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]
you got correct character name in connection frame tab ? if its correct - you using wrong protocol version. (settings/1st tab). -
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alexteam replied to Stealth's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]
i dont think that you need newxor :P lsp.dll = LSPprovider.dll -
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alexteam replied to Stealth's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English] - test release. no reason to update it if you can't bugreport it. :P -
huh. 4got about "edit" button. ??? sum1. delete this post
mmm, ctrl+space in editor also helps a lot (:P) anyway names of constant/procedures/functions and its parameters in english, and its simple to understand what they do :> interface explanation usefull, for people who making first steps (babbyes? hah.). sleep() ? but, remember.. its freezing script engine, and as result freesing traffick. also huge delays dangerous for client (we have omly 64kb buffer in socket engine. its can be filled till delay and as reasult - client will be crashed.) you need to use timer or "penetrating delay" to avoid freezing. or using sleep in timer handle function (after stopping this timer), there a lot of ways to make delay. "different situations - different sollutions" © newer!! XD i don't want topick's like "its dont work" on coderx XD
maked me launght. ;D l2ph(x) - open source project, we got a pub "read only" svn. want link ? or gonna google it by youself XD ph - its a sniffer, what allows you manipulate with packets / use scripts for "action automation", etc. you going to fix sniffer ?! so you need to crypt your gs-client traffick.. you can do it, its not hard. but, you also must include reverse function in client, hah, max few hours in olly and we have a newxor that will bypass that protection XD also. ph can be runned on dedicated pc, so no way will be to detect it. hah. about all that "hiding for karma", guys, i don't sure that you need to do it, there a translated official faq ? taken from official site ? right ? its will be useful for people who using it's first time. most of here dont have any karma :P (me 2) at last i think theese interface sections must be unhided: file\settings, connection frame, dev\scripts\support functions about examples of plugins structures.. dont sure that you need include it (i did some changes in plugins structure last 2 release) coz they can be found on svn in pluggincodding folder. and units\usharedstructs.pas also placed on svn. official one got not small size 2 ;) its was written coz i borred with writing answers on such questions "how to configure it", "i want send a packet ? but dont know where i must fdo it!", "how to read a string from say2 packet" etc. etc. etc. a lot of same questions. its usefull where such information in one place. you can just give link. and, for sure, its must be translatted Well. coz "[3.2.3]plugin_demo.dpr; work packages" must be translated as : plugin_demo.dpr; working with packets there a lot of mistakes.. =\
credits goes to you ? o'really. who are you ? author ? ;D
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alexteam replied to Stealth's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]
remove 7777 port from ignore list (settings, 2nd tab) -
[share] IgExt plugin&script for ph.
alexteam replied to alexteam's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]
upd. bug with sit/stand fixed. eng skillnames/itemnames -
[share] IgExt plugin&script for ph.
alexteam replied to alexteam's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]
same. a lot of changes but same team of developers and the idea -
[share] IgExt plugin&script for ph.
alexteam replied to alexteam's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]
it's not standalone bot its a plugin and script for l2ph. so no reason put it to bots section. -
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alexteam replied to Stealth's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]
upd. all except 82/83 builds deleted. -
[share] IgExt plugin&script for ph.
alexteam replied to alexteam's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]
you can get eng version of ItemNames.ini, NpcNames.ini, SkillNames.ini from lineage client utx files for sure. offtop: once XD kidding ?