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Everything posted by lazl0

  1. to ektimo poli apo esena gt vlepw eisai kainourgios kai exeis arxisei me para poli kalo tropo...
  2. Hello English Section. First off all i have to say this Extreme Guide is made from ExTrEmEDwarf in the greek developing section. What im gonna do is to translate the guide to english and transfer the photos. [Q]:So why are we doing compile? [A]:We are making compile to our L2J Pack in order to edit the CORE SIDE of our server, the .java files of our pack. Inside the CORE(this is core)we can create fantastic codes for our server,add some mods, make different modiffications and also fix the features of our server. To make compile,firstly we have to know very well the process which we have to follow in order to make a SUCCESSFULL Compile. This is not difficult but you will be in difficult situations in order to success. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So how do we make compile.? Just follow the guide. First you have to download eclipse. Here is a direct link for download. Download Eclipse Then you will need Java JDK. Here is a link for download. Download Java JDK Ok up to here. Now here is a guide to install Java JDK. ( not difficult) When you go to JDK website select your system. Click "I Agree" and press the button continue. Check the file that is written there and download it with Sun Download Manager. Open the file that you downloaded. Press Agree. Press directory and choose where goes the file you will download( I choose Desktop) and press OK. Press start and it will start downloading JDK. Wait until download finishes.( it depends on your internet connection.) When download finishes open the file from the directory you chose before. Press Accept. Then next ( no need to change anything) Wait until installing finishes. If installing was successful you will see this message. If not then you must have installed a previous software. Extract eclipse to your Hard Disk. Then create a new folder and name it to "workspace". Open eclipse and find the workspace folder you have just created. Close the welcome window when eclipse starts. Press Help > Install New Software Put the link into work with just like i have it. http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.4.x Press Enter and select all the files that will come out. Then press Next,it will take some time.Depends on your Pc speed. Then Press Window > Prefferences Expand Java > Installed JREs Press search and find the Java Folder from programm files. It will take some time ( not too much) and then select the newest update. Others you dont need them you can delete them. Then pess OK and JREs is finished Then Press Window > Show View > Other Then SVN > SVN Repositories and press OK Press right click at SVN Repositories New > Repository location. I used for the guide L2J HardCode so my SVN is this :http://my-svn.assembla.com/svn/L2J-HardCode Put it in the url and press finish. Open the folder and then open trunk and select the neccesary. (DP|Game|Login) Right click and checkout A window will open, just press finish. Then the only thing is left from eclipse is to open the folders one by one and press right click to build.xml > Run as > Ant build It will take some time because there are many files. Ok close eclipse we do not need it any more. Open folder workspace it should be like this. Open folder DataPack and you will find a folder names build.Open it. In the folder there is a .rar file.Make a new folder there and extract the files in there. Then go to Login folder and just do the same thing.It is too easy to do so there is no need to put more photos. Extract and the second .rar file which is in Login folder into the same folder you put the other .rar file. Woaalaa.! You Are ready.. Server is in the folder you extracted the .rar files. CREDITS FOR THIS EXTREME GUIDE : extremedwarf CREDITS FOR TRANSLATING AND PHOTO TRANSFER : ME
  3. dn se pianw.....edw kanw share ena npc to pos 8a to peraseis iparxoun ametrita guide + sticky....anoixe ligo ta matia sou kai des ta...
  4. axize na to dw pira kapia kainourgia pragmata.. kali douleia
  5. epeidi vlepw eisai new.. kai dn xereis apo develop kai toso kala 8a sou proteina i to pack tou stefouli( oxi 3 clicks n go) i tou zero ( kalitera afto) kANE ena search kai 8a ta vreis
  6. poli kalo share... apo emena pou to meteferes edw se efxaristw poli... kai i8ela na ftiaxw mia buffer kapos etsi kai me eswses..
  7. dn mou aresoun kai poli... alla einai 8ema goustou i douleia s metraei.. kai an enai diko sou to video....teleios..!
  8. ma gt na se kanei add r file.?? afta ta lene se pm(lolz) twra dn 8a pw nc job afou exei faei ban to paidi... alla kali i prospa8eia pou ekane
  9. right...2on dn exeis girisei apo to frontistirio akoma na valeis foto... 3on mallon pos dn exeis l2 sto pc..
  10. x0ax0x0x0a0a....eimaste sovaroi?? no photos tpt.. prepei na sou deixw guides pou axizoun pragmatika +1.. p.x. extremedwarf (compile) aftos dn exei kan photo enas newbie tpt dn ktlvenei...ase pou exoun xanaginei afta pou leei 10 fores post mazi me foto kai poli pio analitika..
  11. opws leei kai to paidi mas o extreme einai augment... defteron kala ekanes kai ta ekanes post na mas ta 8imi8eiss..xD
  12. eleos...apla les oti einai filos sou ... se piasame :P des to name sou kai to email pou dineis.! btw dn einai douleia m alla Wrong Section
  13. already posted.... 100000 times. kai defteron opws leei kai to paidi apo panw ti milas agglika re file?? aporw pos pires to +1 karma
  14. paides dn paizete to paidi.... fenetai oti kanei spamm... leei wraios odigos enw einai share full....
  15. efxaristoume pou to meteferes.... edwses kai credits ola ok..
  16. ama les oti ta exeis kanei ola swsta tote to provblem einai sta connections metaxi xml ..sql... .dat opote ftaei aftos pou ta ekane upload(kati ligo akiro esi exeis kanei kapia vlakeia....). dokimase me alla icarus..katevase ena kainourgio patchaki.
  17. ama les oti ta exeis kanei ola swsta tote to provblem einai sta connections metaxi xml ..sql... .dat opote ftaei aftos pou ta ekane upload(kati ligo akiro esi exeis kanei kapia vlakeia....). dokimase me alla icarus..katevase ena kainourgio patchaki
  18. epeidi vlepw oti eiste new members afto pou kanate legete spam kai timorite...diavaste rules kai 8a katalavete
  19. poli kalo kai kapos diaforetiko apo ta alla...wraio share
  20. 1on einai copy apo ena allo guide ta misa.....ektos tis foto... 2on exw dei paromoia guide kai 100 fores kai poli kalitera
  21. efxaristw filara apo esena pira tin idea...apla epeidi vrika afton ton tropo pou einai akreta pio efkolos....
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