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About daydie

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Depending on experience Any1 interested add me on Skype david_farry
  2. Hello guys, I'm looking for a helper to help fix bugs and do small events. Must understand L2J Files/Java coding and have an understanding on how to fix most bugs. PM ME if you are interested in this opportunity
  3. thanks for all who is playing, We welcome all newcomers :)
  4. Trying to chat to him on Skype but this is the 3rd time now he has "went offline" when i tryed to chat with him. i paid for donate system which is not working and i'm trying to get a update and he is trying to avoid me
  5. how do i get the source for: Update on February 5, 2012 L2jServer STABLE Download Server:5134 Datapack:8629
  6. yeah same problem here dude, its because its not compatible with 2 databases for some reason i think. i'm awaiting a fix also.
  7. Currently does not work for High Five! Awaiting updates from channel (The Engor) so donation system works on High Five he is currently working on a new system which hopefully will be soon and work. in the meantime i have no script which i payed for >.< daydie
  8. is there many extras (events) that i can add to the files. HTML and XML wise? and yeah i have python scripting also. its hard to find any stuff to add to the server to make it exciting =/
  9. hey guys, i have the stable release of high five compiled. with basic im wating to add some features but i think all are java edits before compiling the files? Can any1 help me find some events that only need adding and not needed before compile please would be really appreciated.
  10. Server is going really well thank you for all your support
  11. thanks 007 for all your efforts. few questions i have STABLE VERSION, every1 can learn recipies. dark cloudmansion - part 3 shadow columb are bugged npc at first seven signs part not working. toi teleport doesnt work Can u help advise me on the above bugs please? i have downloaded the BETA version i just wondering if you have fixed any what do i need to transfer over?
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