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About Xhana

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    Not Telling

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. same here
  2. Sagi ; +4 dex -4 con , +4 str -4 con eisai gmt Moon Light Sentiel ; mono tou einai o theos :) Ghost Sensitel ; epidi den exei polu : con egw paizw me -4 int +4 men gia na exw perissotera c.speed gia power break kai hex
  3. most of bugs want to much posts so I cannot see them or try, so if someone is playing there and can see the posts can explain me
  4. den douleuei ???
  5. Is anyone playing there and know some bugs or hacking system.. Its hellbound server with L2Off Can help me please Thanks ::)
  6. oute kai egw
  7. anyone find to hack to azure ? :D
  8. dunno what u mean :(
  9. thanks ^^
  10. den einai kati kainourio alla thanks
  11. loled
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