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Everything posted by castrol

  1. thanks i try it tomorrow
  2. hi
  3. thanks to share
  4. best way to ban is ban mac adrees. you can use proxy if you got baned and if mac baned you can use another rooter/modem. if you use proxy maybe you are laged you can use diffent thing i never be banned of any server more than 5 min pd:i cant read topic:P
  5. lol 800 post is too much i think new people never can see it :P when you play rf pm me and we can trade exploits :P
  6. hi i want to know how can i open l2 mesh to a 3d program to modifi it like textures but with mesh i know 3d max and a maya and a bite of blender i have a unpacker but the obj cant be opend in this progras abyone know any way to do it ?
  7. hi all i found you seaching l2 cheats, if some one play rf online i know a few thing that you can do with cheat engine and a bot
  8. this works on hb i try it but i have error
  9. stil ework this?
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