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About NosferatusS

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  1. Rofl, the 3rd accout.. u got banned with last 2? that's the case... then your word means nothing, no1 cares about ur opinion cos ur a spammer and a nolifer with abolutly nothuing to do except critiseza others worh when you have nothing acomplished, so scoot kido, go out on the sun n do smthing with ur life, some1 @pls ip ban this piece of shit
  2. <~ I'm Joining 4 sure ;)
  3. theres the new l2forever thats gonna be live soon, l2off with 35x + customs, prolli gonna have big community quick l2forever.net
  4. You heard about the new L2F server that's gonna open? I'm gonna try it... I mean this one: http://l2forever.net Anyway, what do u think? (old L2F players) //OFF// just for slovenians Bo kdo od slovencev igral na L2F? PM me :)
  5. Me too, i liked the old C5 style... i will check it out
  6. Sounds good, if its gonna be like C5 Forever it will be perfect.
  7. L2Forever forum>! Server will be L2OFF Interlude with C5 L2F zones, armors etc, thats whats written on forum. ˝After nearly five month of private testing we are proud to announce the awakening of long lasting tradition of Lineage 2 Forever! We call on all old and new L2Forever players to come and join us on incredible adventure unlike any other, exploring unique zones, raid bosses, special features and much more. Not to mention our experienced and active GM team which will provide you support and host events! Server grand opening will be on 10th of April at 18:00 GMT +1. (The grand opening can be delayed for few days if we encounter any problems). :!: What are you waiting for? REGISTER NOW! :!: *L2F Team Note: We are not the original founders of L2Forever. Original L2F server was closed forever by it's owner. Our goal is to awake the long lasting tradition of Lineage 2 Forever and bring it's features back to live. Long Live Lineage 2 Forever!˝ Isn't this what we all want? i mean old l2f players - bringing back l2forever from dead? dont lock this topic for no reason again.
  8. :OOOO how u found that out??? anyway, im glad they decided to bring it back, i think the webadmin locked the web... but he left the forum opened, guess its not finnished.. http://www.lineage2roxtreme.com/forum/ somebody took my nick, damn! :P looking forward seeing u there all!
  9. Don't speak if you dont know what ur talking about... My server will be up soon and those who wanna buy it can check them there. When its up i will update post. Please don't spam here.
  10. Full interlude pack! Scripts, geodata, dvamp key, basiclly all you need to run a server.. Payment via Paypal: 100 EUR PM me on forum..
  11. thnx for sharing it dude
  12. this server is exact copy of old l2extreme :)
  13. ... undigging old topics... go learn how to make own gks, its not rocket sience
  14. not often you see shares, that are worth sharing (especially at client section)... this one i must say is a good share, thnx for sharing with us
  15. Any1 knows how much data is approx. transfared on l2off server in a month? if there are around 800 ppl online, i wanna know this because im buying a dedicated server so i know how much bandwitch to buy, thnx
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