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Everything posted by MasterDisaster

  1. Εγώ πάντως θα ανέβω και καραϊσκάκη.. όποιος ριβέντζερ και λοιποί γαύροι ψήνονται τουλάχιστον για να αράξουμε σε ρεντ καφέ οκ !
  2. ε αφού δεν έκατσε το sonisphere κάπου πρέπει να πάμε :/ χέι ντόρφι Ρ
  3. εχ γουάτ;1
  4. χμμμ όχι;
  5. σοβαρά; κανένα νετ παίζει;
  6. Από αύριο μέχρι την τρίτη θα βρίσκομαι σε ύδρα-σπέτσες.. Ξέρω πως δεν παίζει, αλλά υπάρχει κανένας από εκεί; Μπα ε;
  7. μαλάκες, αύγουστο που έρχομαι και εγώ αθήνα ψηθείτε για σινεμά :Ρ
  8. no problem from me as well dude ;) Thanks for being sharp and fast ;0
  10. Τους φιλικούς αγώνες που θα δώσει στο πλαίσιο της προετοιμασίας του, το βασικό στάδιο της οποίας θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο Έρμελο της Ολλανδίας (23-31 Ιουλίου), ανακοίνωσε ο Ολυμπιακός. Την Κυριακή 24 Ιουλίου οι "ερυθρόλευκοι" θα αγωνιστούν για πρώτη φορά με αντίπαλο τη βελγική Ζούλτε Βάρεγκεμ και θα κλείσουν μια εβδομάδα αργότερα (31/7) αγωνιζόμενοι με την ολλανδική Χέρενφεν. Στο ενδιάμεσο θα παίξουν με τη Βέρντερ στη Γερμανία και την ολλανδική Μπρέντα. Αναλυτικά το πρόγραμμα των φιλικών: - Κυριακή 24 Ιουλίου, SV Zulte Waregem - Ολυμπιακός (ώρα 19.00 τοπική, γήπεδο Regenboogstadion, Βάρεγκεμ, Βέλγιο) - Τρίτη 26 Ιουλίου, Werder Bremen - Ολυμπιακός (ώρα 19.00 τοπική, γήπεδο Vivaris Arena, Μέπεν, Γερμανία) - Σάββατο 30 Ιουλίου, NAC Breda - Ολυμπιακός (ώρα 19.30 τοπική, γήπεδο Rat Verlegh Stadion, Μπρέντα, Ολλανδία) - Κυριακή 31 Ιουλίου, SC Heerenveen - Ολυμπιακός (ώρα 14.00 τοπική, γήπεδο Abe Lenstra Stadion, Χέρενφεν, Ολλανδία).
  11. θα με βάλεις να ψάχνω στις 1:00 το βράδυ.. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  12. βέρντερ και μπράγκα νομίζω. Και γουέστ μπρομ στο καραϊσκάκη.. Υπήρξε και σχετική ανακοίνωση αλλά βαριέμαι να ψάχνω για να σου πω αναλυτικά τα φιλικά ;Ρ
  13. Rage you? Come ON! This is not the way I rage. Anyway, about GFX sections, you maybe have forgotten that I've got no privs there. I can't do much ya know.Even if the sections are made they need some mass clean up or so. Same for programming ones. Anyway, what I suggested was general because i wanted to see what the staffers and the rest of the members say about it. Plus, the rules..Hmm, it's true that I happen to disrespect, as you say, some of them but guess what, there aren't many guys that disrespect me, and that's because I respect them as well. As I told you on my pm, go on and run a topic asking about me. I know how to manage communities and I know how to behave! On the contrary you're the one that publishes pm's and consider them as rage ones...Maybe you're the one who should think 'bout improving. That was kinda funny :s
  14. I will arrange something but I need staffers approval first. I'll be updating you for some changes I have in mind. I guess that there's nothing left to say now. As for noble, sorry for being bad staffers, we'll work on it. ...and thanks for giving a couple of advice to maxtor for us :D
  15. That's right but if we want that to happen we will have to give him a full detailed and organized list of what we want. Don't u think? This list should include members' and staffers' suggestions.
  16. Yes, but if we advertise these new sections we can attract people from hacking forums of those games. That's what we want.
  17. we gotta start a program..Smth like a competition equal to the one that was made for uploaders status but this time real and not fake. Then, there will be some new sections.Something like this. Plus, merging some mods to a new membergroup, called gaming mod and giving specific privs for each gaming section to every mod would help. For example, if you were a gaming mod that's good with console games, you would get full privs @ console games sections. The thing is, we need maxtor's help for that.
  18. there are really few guys that are active and play such games. we gotta find some guys to share things for such games and advertise our new sections. That's the only way to succeed.
  19. I am kinda against the banishments 'coz I know they all are a dead end. if somebody wants to troll he won't stop there. My point is that if the forum had something interesting that the member could work on, the trolling would be less and less by days. Maxtor, has almost zero time for the forum, and I don't blame him. He works after all.However, he has to trust somebody with admin panel.
  20. Hey, watch it. Speak for yourself, 'coz not all of us(members) have good things to say about ya. Plus, who you think you're by judging? You think you were any better than those who ban? I still remember /summoning banhammer v1 trolololo x0ax0ax0axa thingie you had. All of us had sad and silly moments as members. You had,I had, even maxtor had some. I can't see what is your problem really. At least, tell me my mistakes and I shall try to improve..if you want to prove somebody wrong, this is not the right way to do it.
  21. Crash is updating the link. If it happens to die again pm me! Thanks crash for re-uploading your share ;)
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