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About jandraaijer

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  2. i know the enchant trick to get it +30... i will tell ya, here it comes. go the the master trader and go to arrows/bows. then press bone arrow, at that point u need to say how much bone arrows you want. don't do that just press the master trader again. then go to the weapon u want to make +30. if u press that weapon u need to fill in the screen with bone arrows 20 or something like that. then press ok. then u have 20 weapons in one screen u should say. that means that it can break 19 times before al the weapons u have to much are gone but if u brake the first time whenn it is +6 or something then u will still have 19 weapons left which are +6 so that is the way you can make him +30. no problem.
  3. I don't understand the last picture :?: how do u get to that next phase? PLIX REPLY! :P
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