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About general656

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  1. re cis emena moy emfanizei ena sfalma otan paw na anoiksw to spacial audio :
  2. Poli kalo gia newbies .
  3. Pst esu o teleuteos ... den paizei rolo re file pou tha kaneis to forum ...!!!!! EDW PAIZOUN ROLO TA MODIFICATIONS ... o filarakos me to question tha se voithisw ligaki . Pane sto ekseis site : http://simplemachines.org/ meta pata sta deksia sou to button " customize " kai tha deis merikes eikones pou grafoun : Modifications Themes Upgrades Esu tha pas sto modifications kai ekei einai ola ta prostheta ... dld mporeis na prostheseis polla pragmata gia to site . Alla einai mono gia smf forum , Egw pantos exw kairo na doulepsw me smf gt douleuw me pio ekseligmeno ... phpbb kai einai kanoniko to site .
  4. Ye its great
  5. if u have pc server you wll remember it for sure nab
  6. I like it :) here my own
  7. paidia asxeto alla einai kai simantiko gia mena pls apantistemou .... pws legete to program pou kanis install games klp pou exeis katevasei ???
  8. No i mean how i can create a game website for example : with blog with forum with what???
  9. Guys i need some help pls .If help me anybody will reward. How i can create a website with games and he will can register and the site to have and forum ??
  10. Pios bori na m pi ena hack p na g**maw pc xoris na stilw tipota apo msn kai tetia??
  11. This virus can do something .... -_-
  12. To find IP of one site go to cmd and write tracert www.forexample.com for example : and click "enter" and you must look that: http://i50.tinypic.com/2cxys80.png[/img] go to fifefox now and copy the IP of maxcheaters and enter to fifefox (IP ------> Now i show you 1-2 tricks yet : first : How to look who is admin ,moderator etc second:How to delete one archive from system32 -------------------------------------------------------------- First: Go to cmd and write "net users" and you will see all users whose have create account to your computer. for example : http://i45.tinypic.com/14ux7bl.png[/img] that's it --------------------------------------------------------------- Second: Go to cmd again and write "delete (the archive which you want to delete)" for example : http://i45.tinypic.com/24yqtf8.png[/img] that's all for today .
  13. Hello today i show you how to create one dangerous virus it's very easy. First create one notebook : second open the notebook and write : http://i49.tinypic.com/69l5xz.png[/img] After save as the notebook with "[name].bat" : http://i50.tinypic.com/ehzwnp.png[/img] and the virus is ready ! I test the virus in one net and i'ts work but the computer didn't happend nothing because is net computer with antivirus and with all.Don't try this to your computer ! And to do more activate than previous look this : http://i45.tinypic.com/6pooqv.png[/img]
  14. WOW this post help very much! thanx!
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