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Everything posted by luan

  1. This is incredible... Just watch what they did! telnet://towel.blinkenlights.nl
  2. They tried at least: http://www.break.com/index/brand_new_saw_4_trailer.html
  3. Look at this :) http://www.movieweb.com/news/63/18763.php
  4. luan

    MSN PIC...

    yeah just google it.
  5. I bet it's not that perfect...
  6. I think it's still possible because I saw someone in game using it !
  7. Yes me too
  8. :( I have also this problem
  9. Don't be mad because you can't run it. It did work however it's fixed on almost every server but at least we had ou pleasure killing GMs on their own server ^^ Btw you just leave auto button and wait until it raises ingame. Stop it when you have enough, and press a scrolls of escape ingame now you just have to wait until the buffs stop.
  10. lol xD bad Yngwie ^^
  11. Yeah, will you get teleported back?
  12. U get banned when u do this, it's like the multiple buy with weapons that stack and you can enchant all with one weapon. Not even worth testing.
  13. This is patched in C5 I think... It's buff stacking as I know, the stacking comes back every time you do it.
  14. It's patched on almost every server now. The P.atk of the sword has simply been reduced to 1 P.atk. So ingame it shows 30k P.atk but you have only 15 P.atk in Status >.< I already died this way in a server >.<
  15. lol like gms need to have their account info... Change droplist in elpy to 200 Swords or something else and it's done now he goes with his other, player char to the mob (elpy in this example) and kills him. This is GM corruption ^^
  16. Would be nice :)) I already have item ids but it costs me adena if I try it that way >.>... Whatever, I'm still waiting.
  17. I think he checked the status before he went in the server. You must login and be in the server with your char in the world to see the "Active" status.
  18. If you know how to add skills to your char then tell us :) But if you want the super haste skill id, it's 7029 and there are 4 levels by default for this skill.
  19. If you have read the topic of Bantito he tells you that you can invite someone and you don't even need to wait for him to accept. But why did he choose you to invite and not somebody else, how did he know that you were using hLaPEx? Did he install a sort of key logger in his little tool?
  20. There are two of them I think a new one and an older one. You can easily find them on the forum, they were posted many times. If you still don't find them, I'll send you some.
  21. Buy HlApex? :D Donate for his software you mean... And I think there is a way to get adena if you make a quest with adena reward, you just need to copy the requestbypass and so on...
  22. There's no full version, all you need is in the "Demo" version. And where can I find an NPC which gives adena???
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