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Posts posted by galdaxxx

  1. Rofl are you going to make more guides like this?



    It is stickied too.

    Anyway nice try.


    Wtf if u try to talk about my guide just take a look about the other one, cuze this isnt the same one and isnt using the same config, cuze i use xampp to dot this way u can host a web too, in htdoc, and in the guide to talk, isnt a compilation guide added


    so, isnt the same...


    Try reading before post

  2. i have a problem ...well i install it right...i press that i want mysql service to start and then i press admin...it sends me to the web site of my localhost but is said to me that it cant find the site...what is the problem///????


    Well, that happen when u change the password, so in order to see again the phpmyadmin, u need to go inside xampp folder then go inside phpmyadmin folder find there the config.inc.php open it and change this


    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type']            = 'cookie'; /* Authentication method (config, http or cookie based) */

    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user']                = 'root';

    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password']            = '';  ----> here your password

    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword']      = true;


    this way ull be able to open phpmyadmin again


    Cya dude ^_^

  3. Now go to the gameserver folder, and go inside config folder, open server.properties and edit this lines


    # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname

    ExternalHostname= ----> Here ur WAN

    # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname

    InternalHostname= ----> Here ur WAN


    URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb  ----> here ur data name

    #URL=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb  ----> here ur data name

    #URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jdb/user=sa/password=  ----> here ur data name


    Password=Your password


    Close it and save changes.


    We are almost ready ^_^


    8.- go login folder double click over register gameserver, select 1, press enter, no a file must appear its named hexid, cut it and paste it inside gameserver\config



    9.- Run Login server



    10.-Run game server



    11.- Edit the l2.ini file and change the adress to connect, your WAN IP



    Log ingame and enjoy ur server XD



    Thats all


    I hope u like this guide



  4. 3.- Installing Xampp




    4.- Once u have xampp installed run it and press over admin, select ur native languaje and  press phpmysdmin



    5.- Press Database, now in this window create ur database


    6.- Now press over privil, and edit the pass of localhost

    width=1024 height=391http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/3993/18530811.jpg[/img]


    7.- K now we gonna work over the server, Login and gameserver



    create a folder named as u wish in c:\ or d:\ or whatever


    Take the file u have compiled and unzip that inside the folder.


    now, u need to install all the data files, so, go tools folder and press rightclick over database_installer and edit


    change this: set mysqlBinPath=C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin

    For this  : set mysqlBinPath=C:\xampp\MySQL\bin





    set lsuser=root

    set lspass=Your password

    set lsdb=l2jdb ---------> Ur database name

    set lshost=localhost



    set gsuser=root

    set gspass=Your password

    set gsdb=l2jdb ---------> Ur database name

    set gshost=localhost

    REM ############################################


    Now close and save changes, and double click over it.


    press F twice and follow the instructions till finish installing db


    now go to the login folder, and go inside config


    Open loginserver.properties, and edit this lines, with your database name and password


    URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb  ----> here ur data name

    #URL=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb  ----> here ur data name

    #URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jdb/user=sa/password=  ----> here ur data name


    Password=----> here ur password

  5. After u restart eclipse


    Go Window ---> Show view ---> Other



    Go to SVN ---> SVN Repository and press OK



    Now, in the SVN windows rightclick press new ---> Repository location

    and will appear a new window, choose ur url


    l2jfree, or something

    this time ill work in l2jfree, interlude

    so url = http://svn.l2jfree.com/svn/l2j-free/archive/IL/


    add ur url and press OK Finish



    Pressright click and Checkout over ur svn. select a new name and press finish



    Once eclipse finish to process all information go to package explor window

    Press +

    and go build, Right Click --> Run As --> Ant Build


    Dont care about some errors.

    after build, eclipse will show u a text like this

          [zip] Building zip: C:\Documents and Settings\Giovanni\workspace\L2JFree_DataPack_IL\build\l2jfree_datapack_il.zip


    Obviously i wont show u how to compile every file. but now u have the idea about how to do it

  6. Hello fellas


    Well, i was thinking about make a guide, and here its.


    In this guide ill show u all steps to set up ur own l2j server.


    Lets start


    Requiered Software


    Java JDK




    Ok, once u have all downloaded


    1.- First u need to install Java


    Doesnt need more details about java instalation.

    2.- U need to create a folder where to unzip eclipse, cuze isnt an installable software, and u need remember it for the rest of ur life.

    after u unzip the file u gonna have this:


    go inside the eclipse folder and press eclipse.exe

    select the workspace as default, and press OK


    Ok now you are inside the eclipse. go Help --> Intall new software


    OK, in the next window u need to press add


    Name          Eclipse

    Location      http://subclipse.tigris.org/update/




    K now wait till eclipse show u some names


    Select both:


    Subeclipse Pulgin

    subversion Book   


    Press next, eclipse gonna calculate after that press next again, and u will have a screen like this one, just press i accept, and Finish.


    Now wait till eclipse finish to install all.

  7. Thx bro, nice share.


    But i have some questions, im trying to set it up a c5 server, i have all ready, but when i uise ur patched system i have a message, hacking tool detected, or gameguard error, server side is correct. So i tried again using gg killer, but when i overwrite the nwindow.dll the l2.exe doesnt work. Any idea how to solve it or is this system not completed patched?


    Thanx a lot

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