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About Gordurao

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  1. @Paul_Greatest you can register directly through the game ... day the server opened 11/01/31 @* Vendetta V and 80x high rate? the server has only one and set it custon Titanium Interlude Epic Weapon .. on the staff of l2 explosion left him completely without custons
  2. sorry I had put the wrong enchant rate of 45% and not 55% but
  3. L2 Explosion We are a server of Lineage II Interlude L2J. We are hosted on a U.S. server with a ping of the best, we are hosting one of the best and most reputed company data centers and virtual solutions in the USA, known for its great technology. With a connection 100mbp / s Full Duplex and one of the best hardware of today, our Data Center has capacity for many hundreds of players with no lag or crashing problems. We support system via EMAIL / MSN, thereby facilitating the service to our players, giving all due attention more quickly and efficiently. We have our own forum and website. All our services are already guaranteed. Lineage II Explosion is a sign of excellence, reliability and guaranteed fun! Come check it closely! Information / overview on our server: Rates established: XP: 80x SP: 80x Adena: 200x Information rates to enchant: Safe: +4 Max: +25 Chance: 55% Information About Data Center Intel Xeon Quad Core E7340 2.4 2 x 146GB 10k SSD 64 x 2 16 GB DDR3 100mbp / s Full Dupelx Monthly Traffic 10,000 Information Server: Server Totally Free. Items made by Crafter also atravez or donation ... Areas Of Drop: Heine, Silence, Alligator SITE SERVER: www.l2explosion.com.br MSN or EMAIL Contact: l2explosion@l2explosion.com.br Support in English / Spanish / French / Japanese
  4. Good Night galley MaxCheaters ... After several days trying to do the work without L2walker you need to open: C5 Toil, L2asrv, L2 fork finally did it! The only difference is that it has in hr and that you open the token l2walker he already automatically executes other files. "C5 Toil, L2asrv, L2 Fork then you do not necessarily need to be opening screen of the lineage, opening up process explorer, kill files giving Kashi MALAGA very simple and easy to use and I hope you all enjoy: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MMUX42U6 http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=1ae32f5dae32dd3164abb256c1b1018a579b47aea587656357de16682a2b20e2-1277949215 NOTE: THE VIRUS FOUND THE L2 WALKER IS FOR YOUR OPERATION! So if you have any ANTIVIRUS as: KASPERSKY, AVAST, AVG, Bitdeffender, among others advise you to stop them.
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