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Everything posted by hgmtrance

  1. Today its the 2nd day it is online, and till now we already got a growing community ;)
  2. At first i would like to thank everyone for willing to join our community. As for the little problems, i said somewhere before : We are working hard to optimize everything to Perfect ! Now i better get back to work . Thanks again everyone. We hope you enjoy gaming with us ;)
  3. Yeah,we are working hard to complete everything in a minor time. Within few days, everything should be perfect and it should be running normaly ! Thanks everyone for your support :)
  4. L][RaceSupremacy is a high rate PvP Server in which with few mobs you can lvl up to 86 level. There are many high rate servers, but we are trying to make something different... The also called : "War between races" , like it is in Lineage II history . Server Features : - There are 6 races , Humans, Elfs, Dark Elfs, Dwarfs, Orcs, Kamaels. - We tend to simulate war inside a race, and war between the races. - We aim to give a great gameplay and sattisfaction to PvP lovers among with an extremely good PvP experience. PvP is going to be balanced as we want no class to be overpowered. - Accessories are modified in a way to give different stats to the characters. Until now there are over 50 accessories already ready. Those are modified and perfectly work by howewer not destroying the PvP as soon as they don't really make a huge difference in statistics. - Until now there are 5 different new armors added with different statistics, custom skills and custom abilities. Those are just the begining, because we are planning to add more in the future. And they will be even more amazing ! - Weapons have been re-worked too, and have been modified to work among the armors. Each armor has an equivalent level of weapon, and so on. Races : - Every race is going to start at its origin village, humans in human village, dark elfs in dark elf villge etc. - Every part of theyr village is going to have different farming zones, and about 8 custom raid with custom drop for each raid. These raids are gioing to be strong and you can't kill them alone. You will need a good party, with tanks , bishops, daggers, nukkers etc. Each raid will drop different useful currency and items depending on its level. The same is about theyr respawn time. The higher the level is, the bigger the respawn time is. - Epic Boss rings like Baium,Antharas,Valakas,Queen Ant,Zaken,Frintezza are sold in the GM Shop. They will be a little bit expensive, but not that much as soon as we are developing a new generation of Relic Jewels which are going to be way much better than the normal known ones. Clan Reputation : - Clan reputation points are going to be adedd by clanwar, and Clan Rep Points special Raids. - Clanwar kills will give your clan 5 clan reputation points. Clan Raids are going to give clan reputations depending on theyr level and difficulty. - Clan skills are modified and theyr stats are rreally great. New clan skills are going to be added. Warning : If u leave a clan, you can't join in another clan for 5 days ! Grand Olympiad - Olympiad lasts 2 weeks. In the end of each perioud there will be announced the new Heroes. The armor, jewels and weapons used in the matches will be of the same level (S-Grade). - Heroes here are not as you might think.Theyr accessories, weapons, skills have been modified so they will rreally be able to show the difference between a Hero and a normal player. - Among the announcement of the Heroes there will be announced the date of the competiton to be Kings. What are the Kings ?!?! - The Kings are a new system developed in order to choose the best of each race. This means that every race will have a King. For example : There will be 11 Human Heroes ( each class ). After the new heroes are announced, the GM Team will announce the requirements to compete to be a King. The Kings will have a special armor, weapons and accessories and a special item called : The King's Crown, which will give different stats compared to the normal armors. Further information will be given in-game ! Different stuff : - Mostly all of the usual features like wedding, augmentation etc are avaliable Features to be added soon in the future : - A special PvP System which will change the colour of your name according to the number of PvP you have. Along with the colour change, you will gain new custom skills which will be a good reward for your PvP. ( High Priority ) - In every clan hall, there is going to be a special shop , which will depend on the clan hall. By posesing a clan hall your clan is going to have a new buffer too. ( Medium Priority ) - Castles will have special buffers and shops. In the new custom shops of each castle there are going to be selled new kind of rings, eg: there are going to be special rings for daggers only that are going to give (dex, con, evasion, speed, new skills etc) for tanks special rings and so on for every class. The same will be for the buffer. ( Medium Priority ) Server Statistics : XP: 5000x SP: 5000x Adena : 5000x Buffs : 24 hours (instant buff) Safe Enchant : 3 Max Enchant (armor/weapon): 8 Normal Scrolls : Official enchant rate (break weapon/armor) Crystal Scrolls : Official enchant rate (reset item to 0) Blessed Scrolls : 100% enchant rate Grade Penality : Disabled (S-grade even at 1 level if you want) Death Penality : Disabled - There is going to be an information Npc that is going to inform you for everything u need. We aim for a great PvP Lover community ! If you are a good PvP-er join us and let's have fun ! Website : www.L2RaceSupremacy.com The L][ RaceSupremacy™
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