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About lostsaint

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  1. dont work, shows cannot sit while casting and interrupted the attack
  2. lol, it really depends what ur enemy has, I used water on mine coz no one put water on their armor. Most of the guy they realized everyone using divine so they put divine/holy resist on their armor.
  3. Bro this part confuse me When u have 1 window over the other 1 press the ok and after this (here comes the most wierdthing of all l2) 1 u have press ok in below part PRESS 5 TIMES THE KEY PRINT (FOTO KEY) and while the games looks lagged press 12051025012 times the confirm button What happend? the server will give u item the times u press Confirm the times u press confirm (ok not 120512 but it will give u more of that item) So now u have a lot of the item u can trade for adena (use half of your brain and tell me what is next step xD) Could you explain more. Thanks
  4. This been posted a lot of time and everybody already knows about it.
  5. Thank you for this and now i cant play with my character coz they banned my IP when someone made a petition that i scammed them.
  6. He said you need to click it the same time, so if ur dual boxing pretty sure it will not work so u need 2 pc on this to work. I never try it in my server yet coz my other pc broke.
  7. I tried it with my server but doesnt work, when you bought the items did you went to the GM shop or just in jewelry shop
  8. Here you go, ur too lazy to search http://l2phx.pp.ru/arhive/l2phx.
  9. May I know what kind of 3rd program you use for this?
  10. You didnt even see the post
  11. Voyager watch out! well try, thanks a lot
  12. yeah you can do that if your a donator so you can see the hidden post in here.
  13. This works, but when i leveled up to 52 (b grade) then it starts the penalty. But its fun killing low level without penalty.
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