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About ref1ex

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  1. Wait i was poiting out that for example there is armorsets tablet, skills folder in server files they contain codes <enchant value=.....> it's written on html if i'm not mistaken for that i don't think we need java i'm just asking if someone has used something familiar and got they're result done.
  2. Hello guys i have a question about enchanting: Is it possible without java coding make enchant give like custom stats not only p.def or m.def.. i need it to give STR/CON/DEX and etc.? I know that there are Enchant Armor Grade [D/C/B/A/S] skill in skills folder, but how to apply correctly[iF POSSIBLE] to let's say to jewel i want that, Freya neclase would give my written custom stats let's say every + = +1STR or something familiar..? I would appreciate if you would post html code, if it's possible. Thanks for help from start ; )
  3. Maybe you coud post a starting java script? : ) *We all have to start from somewhere : ) *
  4. So thats what i'm asking if anyone could create a guide for custom gk which would been edited to make custom cost...
  5. There ain't anything that could be set with diffrent item cost, theres only Adena cost :) in the teleport.sql i know that long time ago ;D I need a custom item requirement to use the teleport to raidboss ant etc.
  6. Hello there i don't have that much knowledge in java compilement and other.. but if it's not hard for some one that could create guide how to make a GK teleporting cost something diffrent than adena? : )
  7. It ain't launching at all.. when i press DDos Shield.exe it's says has stopped working... no other error, using windows 7 x86 ultimate..
  8. nice i like it
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