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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. No you quoted my sentence: This guy beated me with MY (not his) 10% English didnt he... I was joking around with Chucky one time, "i spiked lajk dis" so we can laugh a little and we called it "10% English" And you quoted that and wrote 5% So you are an "TARD" and you "STFU" Dont quote if you dont understand what the hell am i saying... kkktnxbai
  2. Never liked the thing we "lol-normal" members cant view profile or w/e...
  3. Then why are you telling me i know 5% ... like you know to speak English fluently ? Jeez
  4. You dont even know what I am talking about so stfu :) ? And i think (ONLY THINK) i speak English better than you, just a little :-X
  5. wow dude, take it easy, smoke some cigarette and come back when you "fix" your English menz ^^
  6. What a fail, hahahahaha! Chucky, this guy beated crap out of me with my 10% English dont ya think?
  7. What a fail, hahahahaha! Chucky, this guy beated crap out of me with my 10% English dont ya think?
  8. Whats up with all the rates lately, safe 5 max 25 or safe 3 max 30, what the hell? Why so high? Anyway as dude said, translate web to English or you wont attract many players... Good luck! PS Text really sucks at website
  9. I want to be admin of MXC jes! I dezerv it! Come one stop about this promotions/demotions crap... If GrisoM is G.mod he totally deserves it, i dont think Maxtor would make him G.mod if he thinks he is not worth it. By the way Chucky why GrisoM hates you? (Sorry if i got it wrong, lazy to read whole 3-4 pages about this crappy discussion)
  10. so thats your life-target guys ? get more spam topics then the other shithead ? :/
  11. Sorry for epic Undig but i need a file again since the link is not working :P
  12. Site sucks hard, you should have a different template/design or w/e
  13. Why not? Still dont want to play :p Anything that now matters for me in l2 server is enchant rate, i want it easy cause i really dont have nor i want to spend so much time on game like i did before
  14. No way i'm gonna play on server where are you GM ^^ + Again, its enchanting -.-'
  15. Which server? And + not always farming, enchant is in 1st place for me..
  16. Well i dont want/know to lose, i dont feel like paying for new keyboard everytime i lose :/ So if u give me full gear on .lol server i will play it >.>
  17. Well all those smart guys cant get that half of people hate stupid farming for weeks? I mean come one, i just want a easy enchant rate so i can ++ in 1day max and have plenty of PvPs, like i said i dont have time to play serious l2 nor i want to >>
  18. Thats why i would made a server if i knew it and had money for it. Gracia Epilogue Safe=Max 1Gremlin 85lvl (Leveling Zone) 2 PvP Zone 1 Farming Zone (PvP/PK) 1 Farming Zone (Peaceful zone) etc Find me server like this god damn!!! @GǾGǾS™ L2 Tillate cause it haves 100% blessed scroll, easiest enchant rates i could find :/ No Safe=Max servers, i played one, it was the best, it closed cause it was homemade, imo home mades have good idea but loltards kids with no money + home hosted -.-
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