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Everything posted by Todo

  1. i find it nice...keep it up bro... and...add a scheme buffer:)
  2. http://l2gossip.no-ip.org/ ...here works too
  3. It's simple : augment an dual handed sword equip it then equip a shield>voila the extra stats the augment gives is stucked on ur class till restart.... PS:i didn't search if it is already updated....if it is close it plz anyway : http://l2gossip.no-ip.org/ <<<< here u can have fun with this bug :)... Gl
  4. we will change the server name , change the site >features remain the same :-[...only few skill changes and will be not 1:2 server 1:500x features u see in description 2:x2000 with custom armor or wpps for fun pvps:)...Stay Tuned
  5. I don't get what u wanna say?...divine inspiration works and there are 60 buff slots...
  6. ShadowLoo our webmaster worked at l2 Vendetta's template and baro is a friend with pyromaker and i don't find any reasons for pyro to be mad 8)
  7. stun solved , bluff also, fixed all augments , i'll check about dbuffs...thx for warning anyway
  8. Baro is the Owner ,Java Developer,Administrator etc...well see about those bugs and i hope they will be solved soon enough
  9. Kidee i'm really happy u like our server and if u find any bug plz contact me in game or speack to BARO privatly! I Hope Ya All W8 till the autoupdater is ready*
  10. 1:i didn't swear you(till now) 2:i can't update the site now because we are working on a updater and i have no time for that (re)tard :D
  11. I aleready posted that the site isn't updated and the download link is there Check first before comment... <Respect>
  12. The Server Is On> no1 had ur problem about log in so plz reinstall l2...btw site is hosted by some1 else so we update it rarely>working on a autoupdater <respect> Edit:frank can u post plz a link with the rulles cus i didn't found them
  13. our record in 2 days was 17 online i think ....we hope more to come after beta <That Means Today>...Hope I Cya All In Game <Respect>
  14. Our Site is http://l2-legend.hostse.com not www.l2-legend.ucoz.com ... Btw the server is ON..:P
  15. Well The Server Is In Beta And We're Solving The Bugs And About The Site>It Isn't updated so plz download the patch from http://rapidshare.de/files/48917269/Patch_L2Legend.zip.html...Hope Cya All In Game <Respect>
  16. Lineage ][ Legend PVP Server ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D *No Custom Armors Or Weapons For A Balanced Gameplay :P :P # 100% working Interlude skills. (I mean 100%. All of them work, no exceptions) # Interlude debuff slots fully working. # Auto-learn skills. # Max. level is 80 100%. # Fully working Interlude Clan System. (everything works (100%), including clan skills, clans can level up to 6/7/8/9, academy is working and so on) # Zariche and Cursed Weapon System. (Working Zariche, Akamanah) # Working Interlude Backstab, Gladiator Skills, Cancel and more. # Duel System fully working. # Quickslots (3 bars) fully working. # Interlude minimap working perfectly. # 60 buffslots available. (divine Inspiration fully working (level 1, 2, 3, 4)) # Party member locator on chat menu fully working. # Flawless Geodata, it works perfectly. # Augmentation fully working. # Hot Springs and Forest of the Dead clan halls. # Interlude Battle Symbol skills fully working. # No Clan Penalties. # Improved custom raid bosses with custom drops. # Subclasses. # Noblesse. # Olympiad fully working. # Hero System and hero skills. # Seven signs working 100%. # Retail-like clan halls. # Sieges 100%. # General buffs, songs and dances last 2 hours. # Third class change NPC's. # NPC buffers in Giran. # General Buffs in NPC buffers. Enchance: #80% Enchant chance #Safe Enchant +3 #Max Enchant +16 #Active GM's #Experienced Developer #Lots Of Fun Configuration of the Machine : Quad Core 3.0 Ghz 8gb ddr2 Dual Channel Hdd 160gb 10k rpm 32mb buffer #Join Us NOW!!!! :) :) :) http://l2legend.moy.su/ ...Cya In Game ::) ::) ::) Edit: We Changed the site and updated it so u can download the patch from the site>autoupdater coming soon <Respect>
  17. can u make one for hellbound?
  18. nice share but dont see the quest so can buff.... if you want to make something or can tell me why don't work will be cool
  19. + 5 one question the gm shop are for l2j oneo ?
  20. lol i`m not that noobie i know how to make a shop :) 1 Is not armour is weapon 2 Problem solved with noitemname 3 i fixed the no itemname on normal vesper but the shop is still strange : half from my weapons i can see them on shop but half no...after vesper bow critical slow no other weapon on shop is displayed just 1 black cubic .... 4 i cant understand how half of them are displayed and half no .... very strange
  21. Is strange because when i tryed with original custom id from your pack didnt work ( NoItemName ) so i changed the id`s ... now i can see the weapons name but i cant see them on multisell...i will try add againt with original id and maybe this time i will have luck! @same problem...with original id`s :( i realy donno what can i do :|
  22. ave20 if you are that smart :D tell me how can i do to see the weapons on shop :) ( http://i25.tinypic.com/2dipq0x.jpg ) @Critical maybe is the srv rev or the utx file?
  23. I fixed the problem with the noitemname but now when i put the weapons on shop i see no wep icons.. just some black marks!what can i do? PRINT : http://i25.tinypic.com/2dipq0x.jpg
  24. i have the same problem....i tried to add Vesper Black weapons for interude i changed the ID few times in itemname-e weapongrp sql and still the same problem....will be nice some indications
  25. yea thanck you....i searched but i didn't find about that problem btw some1 can close this topic plz:).. okay cya
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