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Posts posted by Demon152

  1. server is fcked up now with Apella armors... make them easy farmable or delete at all!

    200 Vote medals + 2000PvP medals to buy full set!? kidding us? with 5 players online? then maybe in some 2 years someone will buy a set and will be like Epic Raid boss in server!

    it is hard to buy nobless item for 250 pvp medals, and you except someone will farm 2000??? not talking about Vote medals... it FAIL......

  2. zealot 30s for fun mhm lol ^_^


    i dont farming post i played in you server, make all items +20 and what? Im with friend go to kill one OL who too have all +20 and he killed us 2vs1 lol? that really are unbalanced or you are so corrupted :)

    hahahahaha i am that OL :D i hawe 1.2k cast spd only! lolol i made you 400 dmg only, and you could not kill me :D thats not my probl that you are b0ts :D

  3. I though you should get a punishment, you're spamming over and over again... Put your server/web in a decent host the people may join, stop being a kid.

    yy fur sure :D

    just ppl dont like when tell a thruth :D anyway, i am changing IP, will meet soon ;)

  4. Ultimate farm server! atleast 2 weeks of farm to be full +21, prices for blessed scrolls are too big! Boss respawn time too long, TvT prize useless! In buffer many buffs not working! web - Ucoz.... * No corruptions! ( only admin in party with his friend full enchanted in 2 days hits RB :O ) = that friend are only one hero in all server :D

    so... Another fail server..

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