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Posts posted by Demon152

  1. Featerus are interesting and good! But Gold medals can get only from Events,not farmable thats fail... 3 players Online it's 2nd Fail... and server dont hawe Vote Reward system? That's epic fail......

    And Farm PvP zone hawe only some 30 mobs? in that big area? c'mon :D if server hawe ~100 players everione fill fight to get some mob? :D

    RB Queen Ant is 9 or more lvl weaker, at terrytory got curse and cannot do anithing.fix it... because now my char is stucked in there. :D

  2. Hello,

    I have question regarding the active augment skills in L2 Interlude.

    In High Five when I get a active skill augment like might,empower etc. and I put it on skillbar, after I take off the weapon the augment remains on skill bar.

    In Interlude this isn't working. After I take off the weapon the augment skill is gone.

    I am playing Shillien Elder and I have like 4 active skill augments, all nukes and It's impossible for me to use them in a oly match or PVP because I have to open the Skills Tab and click on each one.

    Is there anyway to fix?


    Make  Macros for skill!

    Place weapon with skill on skillbar for example Might active skill, (examp: 4 row 1st cell on skill bar) , make new macro, name it, in 00 row write "/useshortcut 4 1" on 01 wtite "/useskill Item Skill: Might" and save macro. then you can use other weapon and when you press the macro, you wil lautomaticly pick a weapon and use skill.2ftv.jpg

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