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Everything posted by Jordison

  1. Text: Jordison Theme: something with slipknot's drummer Sub-Text: i don't want sub-text
  2. aa ok.. an einai etsi tote kapios mod na to kanei del... apo dikia m blakeia ksexasa na kano search soz guyz..!!!
  3. πριν ξεκινήσω να αναφέρω ότι το guide αυτό έγινε με: windows xp pro winamp ver. 5.093 SHOUTcast server ver. 1.8.0 SHOUTcast DSP ver1.8.2b πρώτα από όλα φυσικά χρειαζόμαστε το winamp ( www.winamp.com ) το plygin SHOUTcast DSP Broadcasting Tools( http://www.shoutcast.com/download/broadcast.phtml ) (Αυτό το αρχείο είναι το plugin στον Winamp για να μπορείτε να εκπέμπετε) και το SHOUTcast server http://www.shoutcast.com/download/serve.phtml (Αυτό το αρχείο είναι ο server για τον σταθμό σας! ΔΕΝ χρειάζεται αν πρόκριτε να συνδεθείτε σε server που δουλεύει σε άλλο pc ) φυσικά όλα αυτά τα κάνουμε install Βήμα 1ο Πρώτα από όλα πρέπει να θυμάστε ότι για να μπορείτε να εκπέμπεται πρέπει να έχετε πάντοτε ανοιχτό τον server! Αν δεν τον έχετε ανοιχτό τότε δεν θα μπορείτε να κάνετε εκπομπή! • Για να ανοίξετε τον server πηγαίνετε: Έναρξη --> Προγράμματα --> SHOUTcast DNAS --> SHOUTcast DNAS (GUI) • Αφού τον ανοίξετε πατήστε το κουμπί Hide Monitor έτσι ώστε ο server να πάει στην taskbar και να μην μας ενοχλεί! Βήμα 2ο Τώρα ανοίξτε το winamp και πατήστε στο μενού (επιλογές->ρυθμίσεις… Ctrl+P) θα σας εμφανιστεί ένα παράθυρο στο οποίο επεξεργάζεστε τις επιλογές του winamp. Εσείς επιλέξτε από το μενού Plug-ins --> DSP/Effects και μετά επιλέξτε το Shoutcast source for winamp εμφανιστεί το παρακάτω παράθυρο: http://img8.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dy2io7k86tiaxsq374tc.gif Εάν θέλετε να μιλάτε με το μικρόφωνο ενδιάμεσα στα τραγούδια πατήστε στο Input, και αλλάχτε το (input Device ) σε soundcard Input (photo.1) και στο soundcard Mixer επιλέξτε Microphone (photo.2) τώρα την ώρα της εκπομπής όταν θέλουμε να μιλήσουμε κρατάμε πατημένο το push to Talk (photo.3) και αυτόματα θα κατέβη η ένταση της μουσικής και αντίστοιχα ανέβη η ένταση του μικροφώνου για να ακουστούμε Αν δεν δουλεύει σημαίνει ότι το μικρόφωνο δεν είναι ανοικτό ,το ανοίγουμε πατώντας το Open Mixer και στο νέο παράθυρο το τσεκάρουμε http://img8.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gj5p81oasiorvkcix2f7.gif Στο μενού Encoder επιλέγουμε την ποιότητα του ήχου http://img8.imageshack.us/my.php?image=yn1apw1rfmw7l9jpjtln.gif Στο μενού Output και στην κατηγορία Yellowpages απλά γράφουμε ότι πληροφορία θέλουμε για τον σταθμό μας όπου θα φαίνονται στην ιστοσελίδα του σταθμού http://img8.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mksufurm7dl9bzuc7byz.gif Στο μενού Output και στην κατηγορία Connection δίνουμε τα στοιχεία του server,εδώ το μόνο που αλλάζουμε είναι το password όπου είναι το (changeme) Καλό είναι φυσικά να το αλλάξουμε γιατί το ξέρει όλος ο κόσμος (για την αλλαγή του Pass ανοίγουμε τον server και κλικαρουμε στο edit config ,θα ανοίξει ένα κείμενο όπου περίπου στην 15 σειρά θα δείτε το Password=changeme το αλλάζουμε αποθηκεύουμε το κείμενο και κάνουμε επανεκκίνηση τον server . Τώρα δεν έμεινε τίποτα άλλο από το να βάλουμε τραγούδια να παίζουν και να πατήσουμε Connect http://img8.imageshack.us/my.php?image=xsdbi8kzrhywli3kc34u.gif Βήμα 3ο Ωραία και καλά τώρα που εκπέμπουμε, αλλά δεν πρέπει να μας ακούει και κανένας?! Πρέπει τώρα να δείτε την ip σας έτσι ώστε να μπορούν να σας ακούν. Πηγαίνετε Έναρξη --> Εκτέλεση και γράψτε εκεί cmd. Στο παράθυρο που θα εμφανιστεί γράψε ipconfig και δείτε τι λέει στο πεδίο Ip address, πχ Κλείστε το παράθυρο του ipconfig. Η διεύθυνση που θα πρέπει να γράφουν στον winamp όσοι θέλουν να σας ακούν είναι η: Αυτό ήταν! Τελειώσαμε! Τώρα εκπέμπετε! Για να δείτε πόσα άτομα σας ακούν πηγαίνετε σε εκείνο τα παραθυράκι που πατήσατε connect και θα δείτε, η άνοιξε με τον explorer την την διεύθυνση σας (ip:port / πχ Φορτώστε τραγούδια στην playlist πατήστε το play και ποιος σας πιάνει τώρα! TIPS: όσοι έχετε adsl modem router (ethernet/wifi) θα πρέπει να κάνετε προώθηση από τον ρουτερ την ιντερνετικι ip στην εσωτερική ip και να δίνετε στους ακροατές την εξωτερική ip Source: www.freestuff.gr Credits To: veriotis
  4. Well... as you understood from the title this is a collection of maps. The collection is mine but the maps were found from here www.cs-maps.org. I downloaded some of them and i uploaded. The collection will be updated all the time.Also, the maps will be as parts. Part 1: http://rapidshare.com/files/229838494/mxc_part1.rar Part 2: http://rapidshare.com/files/229929474/mxc_part2.rar Part 3: http://rapidshare.com/files/230206910/mxc_part3.rar Part 4: http://rapidshare.com/files/231303117/mxc_part4.rar Part 5: http://rapidshare.com/files/231306846/mxc_part5.rar Last Update: 10/5/2009 P.S. the other parts are uploaded now, but i uploaded this first to start download if you want.
  5. man as you can see at the first post i gave the credits
  6. This is Trade Bug I made miliards of adens with this Trade Bug upgraded with ac tool maco Impossible to get a SS then doing it Smile With this bug you can clone crystals, materilas, potions, ss. For example from 10080 d grade crystalsd u can make 2kk d grade crystals in 2 seconds... Its optical illusion, but from that u can get alot of money for example u can trade 2kk d grade crystals to best +4 A grade armor setin my server Smile... So u buy A grade arnmor wich normaly cost 1kkk adens for 10kk adens go to this forum: http://www.actool.net/ and download program named Ac tool 5.3.0 Install and open it.. create new documents and write this script: //trade bug SetActiveWindow Lineage II delay 3 sec doubleclick keys 1000 {return} loop 80 doubleclick keys 1 {return} end everything should look like this http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/425/actoolpic9qr.png then press Start button in the bottom right you have to have at least 10080 crystals and turned on trading until you start this process and when you press start button take your mouse cursor on crystals in trade window This bug can by made with materials, potions and alot of other things... You ca make it with less crystals, but then u have to change macro in ac Tool... I know It looks quite complicated... But something wrong, Ask, I will anserw... Why do we use Ac tool? 1. Because for simple trade bug u can get bann veey quickly and witha c tool it inpossible to make any screenshots, becuase everything is done in about 1sec.... 2.With ac tool everything working automatic and from 10k cristals u can clone 2kk cristals in 2secs and manualy it would take about 10min... Also i have and some scripts for AC tool which i found on google here is some scripts for ac tool. LevelEVO Things that must be setup in order for leveler to Function properly. Ø Resolution, o you have 4 Resolution choices; 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864, and 1280x1024. To choose your resolution you only need enter the first half of the resolution. The Default setting is 1024. Ø Weapon configuration, again 4 choices o Bow and Blade, Ø This uses a Bow to pull and a Bladed weapon to finish it off. o Single blade, Ø This uses a Single melee weapon the entire time. o 2 Blades, Ø This uses a combination of weapons. This is for those who wish to lead off with the weapon skill of 1 weapon and then switch to a different type weapon, and use its respective skill. Also note this is the Only Config currently to Use Primary and Secondary Weapon skills. o Archer, Ø For those that want to use a Bow and bow only. · Note: This applies to the Multi weapon settings, if you are using a config that uses 2 weapons. Make certain that you either have the Secondary Weapon or No weapon at all Equipped when you start the macro up. The reason for this is, If you have the primary equipped because the macro relies on hotkeys It will unequip the first weapon losing the benefit of the first attack, unless of course your hand to hand anyhow. o Triple, Ø Uses 3 weapons. Leads off attack with Bow, Switches to Primary weapon, uses Skill, then finishes fight with Secondary weapon. (Not Fully operational yet) o Shield, Ø Leads off With Bow or Single weapon of choice, then switches to Weapon/Shield setup. The Lead off weapon uses the Skill. (Not Fully operational yet) Ø Caster Mode o This is not functional yet. Don’t edit it. Ø Specified Targeting, o This is a new feature for this macro; I have finally added support to select the targets you want to fight if you so choose. The settings are 1 to use specific targeting and 0 to use the Standard leveler targeting system. Remember that specified targeting is unpredictable, don’t use it unless you know what to expect. Ø Target Selection, o This option is only used if you opt to use the previous selection. You can choose up to 3 different targets or 3 of the same and any combination in-between. Make certain that your Target is spelled correctly, Otherwise it will not Function right. Ø Sit During Heal, o This option allows you to choose whether or not your character Sits during the heal procedures. This affects normal healing and Self heal procedures. Ø Note previous version if you used Self heal, you simply cast that on yourself and stood regen, now If you turn Sit healing on it Will sit as well, or if you leave off it will perform this action the same. Ø Timer o Bufftmr ( Buff Timer ) § Sets the timing that your Self-buffs are cast. The default is 5 minutes; note it must be kept in the format it currently is preferably in whole minutes. o Pottmr ( Potion Timer ) § Sets the Recast delay on Potion’s. The Default minimum is 10 seconds, this will prevent potions from being overused. I do not recommend going any lower then 10 seconds as it seems to cause errors, but you can raise the delay higher if you choose. Ø The Variables Section, Ø This is the section where you select what skills and such you will want leveler to perform. 1= Use the Skill; 0 = Do Not use the skill. o AtkAura, Uses the skill “Aura Attack” o DefAura, Uses the skill “Aura Defense” o Heal, Uses Self-Targeting Heal abilities; “Elemental Heal” etc. o Spoil, Uses Dwarf “Spoil” ability o Search, Uses Dwarf “Search” ability o Potion, Uses “Potions” if player health is critically low; Note I have implemented code that doesn’t allow potions to be cast any faster then every 10 seconds, to prevent waste. o Bleed, Uses skill “Cure Bleeding” If health is critically low. o Arrow, Uses skill “Deflect Arrow” o Souls, Uses “Soul shots”; Note it will only use 1 soul shot per attack sequence. o Spirit, Uses “Spirit Shot”; Note it will only use 1 spirit shot per attack sequence, This Feature is Not implemented yet. o Drain, Uses “Drain” type abilities. This will be used in the middle of most attack procedures. Ø Hot bar 1& Hot bar 2, I have setup this macro to use 2 hotbar palettes. #1 and #2 it is Imperative that your hotkeys be setup exactly as I have listed. Make Certain Hotbar #1 is Selected when you enter game however. Ø HotBar 1 o F1 = Bow and or Secondary Melee weapon for Twinblade set. o F2 = Primary Melee weapon o F3 = Primary Weaponskill; Mortal blow, Iron punch, Power Strike, and Power Shot. o F4 = Secondary Weaponskill for Two blade setup. o F5 = Attack o F6 = Spoil; Dwarf only procedure. o F7 = Target NPC, This is for the Standard Leveler Targeting. o F8 = Soulshots o F9 = Drain Ø HotBar 2 o F1 = Loot o F2 = Search; Dwarf Only procedure o F3 = Aura Defense o F4 = Aura Attack o F5 = Deflect Arrow o F6 = Cure Bleeding o F7 = Potions o F8 = Spirit Shot o F9 = Elemental Heal or Other Self targeting heal abilities Ø Hotbar 3 This is for future expansion not active at this time. o F1 = Unused at this time o F2 = Unused at this time o F3 = Unused at this time o F4 = Unused at this time o F5 = Unused at this time o F6 = Unused at this time o F7 = Unused at this time o F8 = Unused at this time o F9 = Unused at this time Ø Temporary Variables o Don’t edit anything in this section. Ø Delay o Default Delay for the macro starting is set to 15 seconds. You can alter this to your Taste, you may just want to leave it at its default since 15 seconds is about enough time to get alt tabbed back in and get setup. Unless you are using the Hotkey start/stop Function of Ac Tools. ISIS Auto Heal the party. Notify you when buffs are about to expire. Buff the party on command. Assist in killing party leader target.(optional - melee/bow only) Root mobs (optional - with or without Spirit Shot) Manage basic hatchling tasks, ie. feed it, send it in for attack, heal. Isis also: Responds to text commands (via Party Chat from Command Character): Commands: root - Root Leaders target sleep - Sleep Leaders target rest - Sit for mana regen 999 - Target nearest mob, sleep and move, (2 times) wind - Casts WindWalk on the targeted player/mob buff - Buff party Toggles: pause - toggles paused mode follow - toggles following spirit - Toggles if Isis uses spirit shot on root attempts pet - toggles summon on hatchling assist - toggles assist mode Stay tune! Your Download-Link #1: http://rapidshare.com/files/26799884/scripts.rar.html Credits go to http://www.d3scene.com/forum/#general
  7. This guide is based on Ardamax Keylogger. I can not provide it for you. You will have to get it yourself. Ardamax Keylogger - invisible keylogger with remote installation feature ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next, open up your rar, and install the keylogger, this is a very simple process just click I agree, next, and so on. (Install everything in the package) DO NOT CHECK ANY BOXES WHEN IT'S FINISHED INSTALLING! http://img4.imageshack.us/my.php?image=help1x.jpg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After installed look for it in your program list (start > programs) and run it. Now you should see a new icon in your tray at the bottom right corner of the screen. Right click on that and click "enter registration key". Now go back to the rar, and look for the serial key, open that up and enter the information in, quite simple. http://img21.imageshack.us/my.php?image=help2b.jpg If all goes well you should see a confirmation saying that the information was correct, and you're registered. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now your going to want to right click on the icon at the bottom right again and this time hit "Remote Installation...", This is going to open a new dialog box with the options for the keylogger your going to send. I will now take screenshots of all the correct data that you should use when setting up the keylogger. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://img10.imageshack.us/my.php?image=help3.jpg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://img7.imageshack.us/my.php?image=help4a.jpg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://img4.imageshack.us/my.php?image=help5.jpg --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://img21.imageshack.us/my.php?image=help6t.jpg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://img4.imageshack.us/my.php?image=help1h.jpg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://img10.imageshack.us/my.php?image=help75.jpg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://img5.imageshack.us/my.php?image=help8.jpg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (keep the setup options open) Now, your probably wondering how your going to get the keylogging information from the infected person(s). We'll be using an ftp (file transfer protocol) server to retrieve the logs. So, head over to Free Website Hosting – Angelfire free website templates to make your own free website . Setup an account there (don't worry it's all free). When you register you will notice a page with a bunch of ads on it, just click no on all of them and click submit at the bottom. After doing so you will see this screen http://img4.imageshack.us/my.php?image=help9v.jpg Select the options in the screenshot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now go back to your keylogger setup and fill in this information: http://img4.imageshack.us/my.php?image=help10.jpg Obviously use the login/pass you used for registering with angelfire, everything else is the same. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now setup the Icon you would like for the keylogger exe. Maybe make it look like a video file and trick somebody into opening it? Be creative! http://img21.imageshack.us/my.php?image=help11x.jpg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At this point were almost done! Click next and you should be at a stage where it reviews the information you input, look over it and if everything looks right hit finish. Now a folder will automatically open with your exe, rename it, rar it, send it to your victim and get them to open it, the second they do it will install invisibly and automatically. Then every 10 minutes (or whatever interval you set it to) it will send a log with all the keystrokes and information to your FTP site. To access the FTP site just go to ftp.angelfire.com and input your login information and go into the _private folder, it should all be there! I hope this guide could be of some use to you.
  8. loipon file m akou kati m exoun tosa pm na to katebaso enas mod m eipe na to balo 400 epidi dn thelo na xalaso ta xatiria kapion tha to katebaso sta 300 posts dn thelo na ksana akousa parapona ok??
  9. poli kalo to signature s paidia epidi dn mporo na bro kapia version tou photoshop mporei kapios na m dosei ena link ?? an ginete na m steilei kapios pm i na to kanei post edo einai anagki plz thelo kai ego na doulepso pano sto photoshop :P
  10. it is tested by a friend and as he told me it worked the topic is from a friend [ i mean i saw him do on the game] and he told me to make a topic so the credits go to my friend not to me :P
  11. Hey all I wanna share with you my in game cs 1.6 config first you need to creat autoexec.cfg file Open notepad and do save as .. then write autoexec.cfg in that note pad you can add those script //Silent Run Alias "ducker" "+duck;wait;-duck;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;+duck;wait;wait ;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait ;wait;-duck" Bind "mwheeldown" "ducker" //Lag Bind "l" "+fff" alias +fff "alias _special @fff;@fff" alias -fff "alias _special" alias @fff "special;w3;timerefresh;w3;timerefresh" alias w3 "wait;wait;wait" // alias w5 "wait;wait;wait;wait;wait" alias w20 "w5;w5;w5;w5" alias scope "+attack2;wait;-attack2" alias scope2 "+attack2;w20;-attack2" alias +2xshot "scope" alias -2xshot "+attack;wait;-attack;wait;lastinv;lastinv" bind "mouse3" "+2xshot" //alias _special ffire alias fireon "alias _special ffire;ffire;alias afire fireoff" alias fireoff "alias _special;alias afire fireon" alias afire "fireon" alias ffire "impulse 100;wait;special" alias +fastfire "afire" alias -fastfire "fireoff" bind v +fastfire // ;alias +F.Bun "alias cl_rebuy F.Bun;F.Bun" ;alias -F.Bun "alias cl_rebuy;alias F.Buh F.r1;-jump" ;alias F.Bun "rebuy;wait;F.Buh" ;alias F.Buh "F.r1" ;alias F.r1 "alias F.Buh F.r2;+jump" ;alias F.r2 "alias F.Buh F.r3" ;alias F.r3 "alias F.Buh F.r1;-jump" bind space "+F.Bun" // AutoPistol version 2.1 @ elxDraco.net bind "mouse1" "+elx[lF7].AutoPistol" bind "q" "-elx[lF7].AutoPistol;lastinv" alias "+elx[lF7].AutoPistol" "alias _special elx[lF7].AutoPistol;elx[lF7].AutoPistol" alias "-elx[lF7].AutoPistol" "alias _special;-attack;alias elx[lF7].cycle elx[lF7].seq00" alias "elx[lF7].AutoPistol" "elx[lF7].cycle;wait;special" alias "elx[lF7].cycle" "elx[lF7].seq00" alias "elx[lF7].seq00" "alias elx[lF7].cycle elx[lF7].seq01;+attack" alias "elx[lF7].seq01" "alias elx[lF7].cycle elx[lF7].seq02" alias "elx[lF7].seq02" "alias elx[lF7].cycle elx[lF7].seq03" alias "elx[lF7].seq03" "alias elx[lF7].cycle elx[lF7].seq04" alias "elx[lF7].seq04" "alias elx[lF7].cycle elx[lF7].seq00;-attack" // Toggle alias "elx[lF7].AutoPistol=on" "alias +elx[lF7].Attack +elx[lF7].AutoPistol;alias -elx[lF7].Attack -elx[lF7].AutoPistol;alias elx[lF7].AutoPistol=tog elx[lF7].AutoPistol=off" alias "elx[lF7].AutoPistol=off" "alias +elx[lF7].Attack +attack;alias -elx[lF7].Attack -attack;alias elx[lF7].AutoPistol=tog elx[lF7].AutoPistol=on" alias "elx[lF7].AutoPistol=tog" "elx[lF7].AutoPistol=on" alias "+elx[lF7].Attack" "+attack" alias "-elx[lF7].Attack" "-attack" bind "z" "elx[lF7].AutoPistol=tog" bind "mouse1" "+elx[lF7].Attack" Me I suggest you to had them all in the autoexec.cfg Also open config.cfg located in your cstrike folder and add the line exec autoexec.cfg at the end. That it hope it help you.
  12. How to make your own WOW private server TBC 2.0.12 UPDATED... now this is mutch more easy then you think.. follow the guide and have your own server in less then 10-15 min.. 1. Requirements: - first of all you must have game client version 2.0.12 enGB or enUS PROPERLY installed!!! get the patches here if u dont got em http://www.wowfiles.org/ if that one is down (it sometimes is) try this one http://a.wirebrain.de/wow/ - Microsoft .NET framework 1.1 = http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...displaylang=en framework 2.0 = http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...displaylang=en and framework 3.0 = http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...displaylang=en - MaNGOS server (TBC)- download here http://www.sendspace.com/file/j6hxmq - MaNGOS database (TBC) - http://sdb.unix7.net/forums/ (you must log in on the forum to get it..) to make this guide very easy ill save you the time to search for it at the forum.. http://sdb.unix7.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=7055 - Mangos tools are optional but good to have (26M - SQLyog, Minimanager - http://www.sendspace.com/file/zn2l2t - An to the last Mysql server 5.0 http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.0.html Now make a new folder and put the files you downloaded in it.. it should be: mangos database,mangosserver,Mysql server and mangos tools in the folder... these files you should keep even when your done if you need to uinstall everything (that happens when you try to put other stuff in later that dont work and -beep-s it up for you when you start your server... backup is good..) the framework downloads you just install and trow away.. and one last thing... i did think most did know this but you need a program to open rar files... winace is a good one.. 2. Installation: (now also in video) -----> 1 - Launch the MySQL installation application. (Setup.exe) When prompted, select "Typical" for setup type. When prompted, select "Skip Sign-Up". When install is complete you will be given the option to "Configure the MySQL Server Now". Make sure this is checked, then press finish. When prompted, select "Standard Configuration" When prompted, place a check in "Install as Windows Service" and "Launch the MySQL Server Automatically". Service name should be changed to "root" When prompted select "Modify Security Settings". In the two empty dialog boxes, type in the password "mangos" (If you plan on administering your MySQL instance from a remote machine, then select "Enable root access from remote machines". If you don't know if you need this, then do not select it.) 2 - now install mangos tools 3 - install MaNGOS server wich will automatically extract all needed data, so it will be running for ~ 10 minutes! 4 - copy MaNGOS database SDB.SQL to C:/MANGOS/SQL/ 5 - Now go into C:/Mangos/tools and you will find SQLog.exe push it and follow the wizard - now you should have gotten a shortcut on the desktop.. push it.. then conect.. right click on MANGOS database in SQLyog, ( u then select IMPORT BATCH FILE and select SDB.SQL from C:/MANGOS/SQL/ and import it (just click OK) Execute 6 - Extract map files (not all need too do this) - Place ad.exe into. ("C:\World of Warcraft") it might be in C/mangos or allready in C:\World of Warcraft Create a subdirectory called 'maps'. ("C:\World of Warcraft\maps") Launch ad.exe. This will begin the extraction of map files. (This can take a long time depending on your system.) When ad.exe has finished, copy the folder "C:\World of Warcraft\maps" and place it in your ManGOS server directory ("C:\MaNGOS"). So you should now have a "C:\MaNGOS\maps" directory containing numerous (2400+) .map files. - now you can give yourself a clap on the shoulder.. its only the easy stuff left now - if you have old database lower than version 3500 then you have to import sql files from C:/MANGOS/SQL/UPDATES/ 7. Config files - configure MANGOS.CONF & REALMD.CONF for your needs, but they are already configured for default system (you can change exp,highest level and gold rate in the mangos.conf after your need and mutch more just save the file when you are done....but no need for that yet..) 8. Accounts - you make an account by going into SQLyog then push on realmd (leftside) now you got a list.. then push account now push table data (lower right side) put in username,password after your own wish and gm level (3 is good) here you also put an 1 where it says tbc if you want to be able to enter outland now push the save button (the littel disk.. lol..) to change the realm name push realmlist in realmd.. now change the name and save 9. Starting server - click MaNGOS restarter on your desktop! now if you did all this should here a beep when the server is ready.. (takes 5-10 sec after you push the desktop ikon) when you here the beep you are done ;D dont use the desktop shortcut by the way... use wow.exe in your wow folder.. also in your wow folder you got a file called realmlist.wtf open it with word or something and change it to: set realmlist now log in to your account by typing the accountname/password you picked... You are now ready to rule your world if this guide did help you like it should you may rep me for it(the green arrowup) let me know what you think.. ;D did i miss something pls tell.. hope you did enjoy reading it anyway... FOR FUN : now when you are in... type ".commands" without the "" in the textbox to see your power.. Try out ".modify fly 10" ( push enter) now type ".flymode on" (enter) and try to jump Note: if you set level 255 you will only have level 70 stats anyway.. right now they only have stats up to 255 for for non tbc databases.. this they are working on as we speak (lev70-255 stats) i will put in an link for it when i see its done... "edit" i see i can go up to lev 215 with the stats of 215 but when i reach 220 it jumps down to 70 stats... might just be on my server.. and yes it is a command so that you can get bigger stats crits... so that you dont need the level part... the power never stop ;D If you got an Q if you get an error you got a text file in your mangos folder called dberror open the text file and see what it says maybe the error is easy to fix.. if you got a Q about an error you get pls double check the steps in the guide or check the forum posts here before posting it or pm me... i might already answerd your Q to another.. if you are planing to uinstall then reinstall remember to check that you have uinstalled everything but the backup.. cause 2 of a file you really just want 1 of may cause an error...
  13. aa ok to eida to edit pou ekanes ala dn katalaba gia pio pragma to ekanes
  14. diabase kalitera to proto m post edo xriazese to cheat engine pigene ekei p leei speedhack kai bale speed:10 kai sleeptime:1,0 kane rr kai meta tha se bgalei ekso apo tin dion oxi entelos ala tha eisai makria apo ta kariks
  15. ti na s po .. dn ksero emena pantos se vista m ebgaze kati error kai ekana ena rr to pc kai m itan ok dn ksero ti paizei edo sobara
  16. ennoeis oti s bgazei kati minimata??? an ennoeis afto tote m to ekane kai se mena kane ena rr to pc kai dokimase pali afto m ekane kai mena an exeis vista to phx anikse to me deksi click kai ektelesh os diaxeirisths
  17. επισης ξεχασα να πω πως στον 02 εχει δυσκολεψει το bug γιατι εξω απο το dev village εχει custom mobs [kariks] και δεν θα μπορεσετε να παρετε ευκολα καποια items απο το gm shop εδω καντε το εξης πηγαινετε παλι στο cheat engine και βαλτε speed 10 sleeptime 3,0 καντε rr και τηα βγειτε μεσα στο village και απο κει και περα κανετε ολα τα υπολοιπα επισης στον 03 δουλευει οπως το λεω στο πρωτο μου post δεν θελει κατι αλλο καλο farming!!!
  18. όπως καταλαβατε αυτο ειναι ενα bug για super farm σε faction server θα χρειαστουμε: l2 phx http://www.4shared.com/file/51755674/11f7e633/l2phx-dist-beta.html?s=1 cheat engine http://www.cheatengine.org/download.php antilag by Pretorion http://dhost.info/thugl1fe/pretorion/Antilag.htm Κύριο μέρος Ανοιγουμε το l2 phx Μετα μπαινουμε στο game και κανουμε ενα char αυτον τον char θα τον χρειαστουμε να ειναι ασπρος αρα καπως θα πρεπει να τον κανουμε να μεινει ασπρος Εδω θα βοηθησει το phx Παμε στο phx και κανουμε οτι λεει η φωτο http://img17.imageshack.us/my.php?image=74909042.jpg Code για jail: 1B 00 00 00 21 στην συνεχεια το bot παει jail για 15mins Αφου περιμενουμε να τελειωσει η ωρα και βγουμε απο jail θα γινει αυτοματο teleport στην floran εκει αν εχει mobs τοτε προχωρατε για να σας kill και μετα να πατε to village αν δεν εχει mobs τοτε θα σας πω παρακατω τι θα κανετε Αν εχει mob και πεσετε τοτε οταν πατησετε to village θα σας βγαλει στην Dion αποκει και περα χρειαζομαστε το cheat engine http://img17.imageshack.us/my.php?image=23322645.jpg Μετα κανετε αυτο http://img17.imageshack.us/my.php?image=70842779.jpg στην συνεχεια κανετε το εξης σε καποιο σημειο λεει "speedhack" εκει θα το επιλεξετε και θα βαλετε ως speed: 10 sleeptime: 1,0 μετα πηγαινετε στο l2 και κανετε rr αφου ξαναμπειτε θα δειτε τον char μακρια απο τα mobs στην συνεχεια παμε με τα ποδια στο d.elf village [ εκει λογικα θα ειναι η βαση καποια ομαδας] εδω θα χρειαστουμε το anti-lag αφου το κατεβασετε και το κανετε αποσυμπιεση, θα κανετε αντιγραφη τα 2 αρχεια που εχει μεσα και μετα θα τα κανετε επικολληση μεσα στο system του server τωρα κανετε το εξης πατε εξω απο το village και κουνατε τη ροδελα απο το ποντικι προς τη μερια του village με αυτο το προγραμμα θα εχετε την δυνατοτητα να βλεπετε πραγματα περα απο το κανονικο και να κανετε target NPC/chars/mobs αφου βρειτε καποιον NPC και συγκεκριμενα το gm shop περνετε mage items, mana pots, bss και soe για καθε village μετα κανετε soe για το d.elf village για παραδειγμα και θα σας βγαλει μεσα στο village τωρα απο δω και περα ειναι το ευκολο μερος πατε με τον ασπρο char ακριβως εδω http://img17.imageshack.us/my.php?image=61310092.jpg μετα αφου πεσετε κατω θα πατε απο κατω και θα σταθητε ακριβως κατω απο τον buffer η σε καποιο σημειο ωστε να μπορειτε να παρετε target τον buffer αφου το κανετε αυτο πατε με τον αλλο char που καναμε στην αρχη και θα πρεπει να ειναι στο team που ειναι και το village [δηλαδη θα πρεπει να ειναι απο το team που εχει βαση στο d.elf village] με τον char αυτο κανουμε το τελευταιο βημα οπως και στον προηγουμενο δηλαδη τον πεταμε απο κατω και παμε κοντα στον ασπρο char τωρα παμε παλι στο phx και επιλεγουμε στο παραθυρακι αριστερα τον ασπρο char στην συνεχεια παμε εκει που λεει η φωτο παρακατω http://img17.imageshack.us/my.php?image=29348938.jpg αυτος εδω ειναι ο code για auto-mp Auto-Mp Code:http:21 51 00 75 00 65 00 73 00 74 00 20 00 38 00 38 00 38 00 38 00 5F 00 4E 00 50 00 43 00 42 00 75 00 66 00 66 00 65 00 72 00 32 00 20 00 36 00 38 00 00 00 Μετα παμε με τον ασπρο char και kill τον αλλο και το phx θα κανει αυτοματο mp δηλαδη θα το γεμιζει ξανα και θα το kill ξανα και ξανα ετσι 1 kill=1 adena P.S. επιλεγουμε ασπρο char γιατι αν ο server εχει top 10 pvp chars ο ασπροσ δεν θα φανει στους top γιατι το top βαζει μονο τους char που ειναι σε καποια ομαδα P.S2) το bot που σκοτωνομε θα πρεπει πρωτα με αυτο να flaggaroume στον αλλο char γιατι το adena το περνεις με καθε PvP αρα μιας και δεν ειναι ο ενας απο τους δυο σε μια καποια ομαδα θα πρεπει το "θυμα" να flaggarei προκειμενου το death του να μετραει σαν PvP στον αλλο char Οι φωτο ειναι τραβηγμενες απο τον l2 core γιατι τη μερα που εγραφα αυτο το bug ο server που το χρησιμοποιω ηταν κλειστος [l2 mafia και συγκεκριμενα 03] Αν δεν καταλαβενετε κατι καντε post εδω προκειμενου να το εξηγησω καλυτερα!! HF and good farming!!!
  19. loipon oute kai ego to katalaba ala ayto to bug douleyei ston mafia kai eidka ston ken orwen kai ston stuck subs file eksigiseto ligo kalitera mono ayto theli to share s dld kapou sth mesh oson afora ton dimi paidia peite oti thelete o anthropos einai anesthitos dn kanei entelos tpt ston server t dinei skills se ksaderfia tou augment skills se filous kai ola tzampa mono to donate ton niazei giauto peite oti thelete dn tha kanei tpt o dimis sas to egkyomai ego
  20. poli kalh douleia tha htan mono an dn ekanes copy paste apo ena link p exei dothi se ena alo topic mesa sto ipio iparxoun akribos ta idia gm commands aplos esi ekanes copy paste tora na po gj dn tha po alithia giauto to afino
  21. hi all i am new here i this forum and i hope i will stay here for a lot of time :P i am happy i loged in here
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