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Posts posted by DragonHunter

  1. OK this guide is for everyone who want to create a website that does not means your website will be perfect in one time

    This means you must work on it self without any generators or help programs except for Dreamweaver because you can see your website faster with it when your creating it


    OK so if you want to make a website make it first visual so you know how your website will look like use Photoshop CS3 (or higher versions) to make it a good quality


    OK so what are the requirements I need ?

    You need to know some PHP knowledge for scripts etc (I will also tell you here some scripts and handy stuff for examples)


    You seriously need to know about HTML, without HTML your website cannot be build or you must use ASP but that I will not discuss here


    And for the last requirement you really need patients because in the first time you want to build a website it will not always work for the first time but believe me when your doing it again and again you will be better and better



    OK so buy a good book about PHP and HTML and if you want some CSS, Its always handy just go to a good book store DON'T buy a book that says you can do it in days or hours you must have a book with a good start that you will understand and choose a big book about a few hundert paces, You don't need to read that whole book to become a website maker



    OK so here are the begins of making a website this does not mean you can build a super nice website from it or you must have the knowledge already




    <title> My First Website </title>
    My First Website is working and I can read my text here :)<BR>
    This is my second line and Its also working :)



    Ok let me explain it


    <HTML> stands for the begin of your website you must always starts with it!


    <head> stands for the head of the HTML you can include files like CSS, Java with it and you can include a title (<title>)


    </head> stands for closing the HEAD or else it will be never closed and that will be bad for a website programmer


    <body> the body stands for that you can include here all the scripts you want the layout of your website


    </body> stands for closing the body or else it will be open at the end of your website it maybe can give errors or bugs and you will never go through W3C Validations


    </HTML> stands for closing the HTML scripts, If you want to input html scripts be sure its between the <html> and the </html>





    echo "My First PHP Script :)";



    Ok let me explain this


    <?PHP stands for opening the php script so you and the website know its php


    echo stands for to visual text/HTML scripts so you can input HTML scripts in echo

    behind the echo stays: "";

    Between the "" you can put text like I did on the example

    And the ; is for closing it if you don't use it you will have a error for 100%


    ?> is for closing the PHP script if you don't use it will probatly will be shown as a HTML script



    Ok so maybe you quit the guide already and if you didn't and your still here you reading and learning ;)


    Ok so I will show how I make my first Website it shouldn't be beautiful at the begin of course


    <title><?PHP echo $title  ?></title>
    This is my website :)<BR> <BR>
    <a href="http://My URL Link">My Text for the Link</a> <BR>
    <a href="http://My Second URL Link">My Text for the Link</a>
    <!-- This is a comment always handy for a website maker ;) -->
    <!-- My PHP Script -->
    echo "My Website PHP Script is Working Good";
    <!-- Ok I hate to copy the html/php layout file for some little changes at the website so here is my PHP Script that will only change what will change at the website when clicking at a link -->
    //This is a single comment
    /* This is for more comments and I'm going to create here my switch */
    // PHP Scripts will not be shown when some one want to view your source code
    switch (strtolower($_GET['mypage']))
    case "myfirstwebsite": // For example it will be shown in your browser URL as: index.php?mypage=myfirstwebsite
    break; //ending the switch function for one URL
    default: //No page found ? Standard text for example the website news
    //My script ends here
    <!-- OK lets make my PHP useful -->
    <a href="index.php?mypage=myfirstwebsite">My First PHP URL Switch Function</a><BR>
    <!-- Ending the website :) -->



    I hope you would understand the code and BTW don't copy/paste it but write it your self instead of not learning it if you write it self you are more learning then using control-c and control-v buttons (copy/paste)


    You also can include other files it can be handy for configuration files You saw I was using

    <title> echo $title </title>


    Ok now lets make a configuration file


    //This will say what $title is
    $title = "My Website Title";
    //My Own configuration options....
    //Write here your own script!


    If you page includes PHP and html Scripts save it as .php

    If your page only includes html save it as .html



    Questions are welcome and thanks for reading my guide and happy website making :)





    This is an example from photoshop I made today so you can see already how the website must look like and then you can start working on it



  2. This is a real fix for the potions so it will be just like retail and every L2J Server is having this bug, Its time to get it fixed ;)


    And I'm having the fix!



    Go for example to: data\stats\skills and open the file 2000-2100.xml


    And I will take a Potion for example


    This potion is retail like but not realy retail like...because you CANNOT use it when you use a other skill so you cannot use a potion and a skill at the same time but with my fix its possible to use it at the same time how it should be ;)



    <skill id="2032" levels="1" name="Healing Potion">
      <set name="power" val="2.0"/>
      <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
      <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>
      <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>
      <set name="reuseDelay" val="10000"/>
      <set name="buffDuration" val="15000"/>
      <set name="castRange" val="-1"/>
      <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/>
      <set name="isPotion" val="false"/>
        <effect count="7" name="HealOverTime" time="2" val="48" stackOrder="24" stackType="HpRecover"/>



    Like I did here was changing the

    <set name="isPotion" val="true"/>




    <set name="isPotion" val="false"/>



    This will fix the bug and the potion will have the same effects but it just allows to use the skill + potion at the same time



    Goodluck ;)

  3. Ok i've updated the L2J Buff Creator its now without bugs and it will work for the following servers:


    L2 Emu

    L2J Free

    L2J Archid


    You can now give the Minimum Adena/level requirements and going up to 2 buffs and you can change if the buffs must be visible yes or not this can improve high-rate servers or to reduce lag when you buff

    I must continue my work so you can go up to 25buffs :P

  4. I made this tool today and it can help lots of people with creating a NPC Buffer


    It works for:


    L2J Free

    L2 Emu

    L2J Archid












    Download Link:





    This guide is also in the program so you can read it again if your stuck



    Ok the first thing you must do is making your buffer go to the Configuration and enable or disable what you want

    Secondly go to the Buffs menu and fill in your buffs you want in your npc buffer

    Now click at the generate button below the program

    Now go to your My Generated Buffer and copy and paste it in notepad save it  as: __init__.py

    Now go to your HTM Script and copy and paste them both (Read at the HTM Script menu)

    And now put them in a folder called: 9999_NPCBUFFER

    Now put them in your server folder: data\scripts\custom

    Now open the file located in the data folder: scripts.cfg


    And add this line: custom/9999_NPCBUFFER/__init__.py


    Start your server and spawn the Npc you have as Npc Buffer and your done, You made your own Npc Buffer



    Guide by DragonHunter



    Change Log:

    Created a new option: Adena Cost

    Updated the L2J, L2JFree, L2Emu, L2JArchid Buffs up to 25 (now you can add more buffs to your npc buffer)

    Fixed a typo


    Fixed an unexpected bug

  5. I hope you like it :)


    Credits is going to DragonHunter because I wrote them self



    No Weight Limit

    UPDATE armor SET weight=0;
    UPDATE etcitem SET weight=0;
    UPDATE weapon SET weight=0;
    UPDATE custom_armor SET weight=0;
    UPDATE custom_etcitem SET weight=0;
    UPDATE custom_weapon SET weight=0;



    Customize your guards

    UPDATE npc SET level='85' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET hp='30000' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET mp='30000' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET patk='30000' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET pdef='10000' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET mdef='10000' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET title='Customized Guard' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET rhand='0' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET lhand='0' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET runspd='300' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET ss='1' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET bss='1' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET ss_rate='100' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET attackrange='100' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET aggro='5000' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET str='100' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET con='100' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET dex='100' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET wit='100' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET men='100' where type='L2Guard';
    UPDATE npc SET str='100' where type='L2Guard';



    Make mobs stronger

    UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='******';
    UPDATE npc SET aggro='200' where id='******';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='******'; -- 3x the P.Atk
    UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='******'; -- 3x the M.Atk
    by Monster Type:
    -- This is maybe not handy because every mob in the game will have these settings!
    -- Even level 1 mobs :P
    UPDATE npc SET level='85' where type='L2Monster';
    UPDATE npc SET aggro='200' where type='L2Monster';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` * 2 where type='L2Monster'; -- 2x the HP
    UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where type='L2Monster'; -- 3x the P.Atk
    UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where type='L2Monster'; -- 3x the M.Atk



    Automatic Server Restart:

    INSERT INTO global_tasks(task,type,last_activation,param1,param2,param3) VALUES 
    ('restart', 'TYPE_GLOBAL_TASK', '2147483647', '1', '00:00:00', '300'); -- At 00:00 in the night he will do a server restart players will have 5 minutes to logout
    INSERT INTO global_tasks(task,type,last_activation,param1,param2,param3) VALUES 
    ('restart', 'TYPE_GLOBAL_TASK', '2147483647', '1', '12:00:00', '300');-- At 12:00 in the midday he will do a server restart players will have 5 minutes to logout



    Make all Raidbosses stronger:

    -- Baium
    UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29020';
    UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29020';
    UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29020';
    UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29020';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29020';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29020';
    -- Zaken
    UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29022';
    UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29022';
    UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29022';
    UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29022';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29022';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29022';
    -- Queen Ant
    UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29001';
    UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='2901';
    UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29001';
    UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29001';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29001';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29001';
    -- Core
    UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29006';
    UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29006';
    UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29006';
    UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29006';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29006';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29006';
    -- Orfen
    UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29014';
    UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29014';
    UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29014';
    UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29014';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29014';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29014';
    -- Antharas
    UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29019';
    UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29019';
    UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29019';
    UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29019';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29019';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29019';
    -- Valakas
    UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29028';
    UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29028';
    UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29028';
    UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29028';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29028';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29028';
    -- Frintezza
    UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29045';
    UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29045';
    UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29045';
    UPDATE npc SET aggro='0' where id='29045'; -- 0 = Retail... I think
    UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29045';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29045';
    -- Scarlet van Halisha - Transformation 1
    UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29046';
    UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29046';
    UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29046';
    UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29046';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29046';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29046';
    -- Scarlet van Halisha - Transformation 2
    UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29047';
    UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29047';
    UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29047';
    UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29047';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29047';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29047';


    Ban Account IP:

    UPDATE accounts SET accessLevel=-100 where lastIP='IP HERE';


    Un-Ban all IP's and players

    UPDATE accounts SET accessLevel=0 where accesslevel=-100;
    UPDATE characters SET accesslevel=0 where accesslevel=-100;


    Delete an Item from the players inventory:

    -- Only use this when something realy wrong is going on because in every inventory this item will be deleted!
    DELETE FROM items WHERE item_id = 'ITEM ID';



    Remove skills from the skill tree:

    DELETE FROM skill_trees WHERE skill_id = '****';


    Remove all the monument of heroes:

    DELETE FROM spawnlist WHERE npc_templateid = '31690';


    Make the raidbosses easier

    -- Baium
    UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29020';
    -- Zaken
    UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29022';
    -- Queen Ant
    UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29001';
    -- Core
    UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29006';
    -- Orfen
    UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29014';
    -- Antharas
    UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29019';
    -- Valakas
    UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29028';
    -- Frintezza
    UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29045';
    -- Scarlet van Halisha - Transformation 1
    UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29046';
    -- Scarlet van Halisha - Transformation 2
    UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29047';



    Remove all the heroes stats (L2 Emu)

    UPDATE characters_custom_data SET hero='0' where hero='1';



    Remove the XP/SP for skill enchants

    UPDATE enchant_skill_trees SET sp=0;
    UPDATE enchant_skill_trees SET exp=0;



    Un-Jail all the players

    UPDATE characters SET in_jail='0';
    UPDATE characters SET jail_timer='0';



    Make all the pets stronger

    -- This could be handy for a high-rate server with custom items
    -- It will make the pets 50% stronger
    UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` * 1.5 where type='L2Pet';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `mp` = `mp` * 1.5 where type='L2Pet';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 1.5 where type='L2Pet';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 1.5 where type='L2Pet';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `pdef` = `pdef` * 1.5 where type='L2Pet';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `mdef` = `mdef` * 1.5 where type='L2Pet';
    UPDATE `npc` SET `runspd` = `runspd` * 1.5 where type='L2Pet';



    If you want to remove the mobs between a level of...10 - 60 (Its long time ago but I think around level 10-60 mobs)

    This can highly improve your server load time

    Use it for high-rate servers


    www.wde.wargodsnetwork.com/delete not used mobs.zip

  6. lol...that SQL code is totally wrong if you say its npc's its funny because mobs/raidbosses...etc..etc will get a title too


    This should do the right thing :D


    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2Npc';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2Guard';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2Merchant';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2Teleporter';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2Warehouse';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2Trainer';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2VillageMaster';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2PetManager';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2Auctioneer';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2SymbolMaker';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2FestivalGuide';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2ClassMaster';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2PetManager';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2SymbolMaker';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2FestivalGuide';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2NpcWalker';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2OlympiadManager';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2FisherMan';

    UPDATE `npc` SET `title`='Your Title', `serverSideTitle`='1' where 'type'='L2Adventurer';


  7. This tool basicly just watching your game-masters in game and looking what commands they are using


    It can be helpful to find a corrupted gm


    The GM Watcher in action


    I marked some things black because you are not allowed to see some things




    Download link:




    oh BTW one more thing...be sure you enabled the GMaudit in the config files to true

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